Title: Some more downtime Post by: ConfusedUs on 2004-05-03, 05:09 Starting tomorrow, I'll be offline for an indefinate amount of time.
The short story: The wife and I have to find a new place to live by Sunday, and the internet's being shut down tomorrow, along with all but the essentials. The long story: http://www.shacknews.com/ja.zz?id=9848648 (http://www.shacknews.com/ja.zz?id=9848648) I'll be back online as soon as I can from wherever we end up living. ;) If anyone absolutely has to reach me for whatever reason, contact Warden or Lilazzkicker. Both can get ahold of me. Title: Re: Some more downtime Post by: Phoenix on 2004-05-03, 06:01 Good luck on the nest hunt!
Title: Re: Some more downtime Post by: shambler on 2004-05-03, 09:26 Good Luck Con and Co.
Things workout in the end. Title: Re: Some more downtime Post by: Woodsman on 2004-05-03, 16:15 trust me con the longer you live with your folks the more you think about hanging yourself. Ive got my eye on this lovely rope at the local hardware store.
Title: Re: Some more downtime Post by: shambler on 2004-05-03, 17:18 Hope this cheers you up,
I was a 182Lb weakling until I discovered Generations, but now NOBODY kicks sand in my face.... Title: Re: Some more downtime Post by: Lilazzkicker on 2004-05-04, 05:26 Keep it on topic! Jesus, with a topic as such as this and you go and tearing to peices with nonsense. You should be just a little more concerned with the happenings of those around you then to post as such as you have. Show a little respect, and have some decency, thank you.
For those who care to know, it appears they have a place now....will give more details later, as they still are without net.. More coming tomorrow. Title: Re: Some more downtime Post by: Phoenix on 2004-05-04, 06:53 Thanks Lil!
Title: Re: Some more downtime Post by: shambler on 2004-05-05, 11:09 Apoligies to Con and Co. for the accidental hi-jacking of the thread. Guitars are my passion, and my addiction.
Title: Re: Some more downtime Post by: ConfusedUs on 2004-05-08, 02:28 not a problem shambler. You didn't de-rail it, dna did. ;)
Thanks for the support everyone. Everything's going fine. Gina and I found a place and should be moving in on Monday. We'll post pictures and stuff as soon as we get internet. ;) Title: Re: Some more downtime Post by: Phoenix on 2004-05-08, 02:54 Yay! I pray that it is quiet, peaceful, warm, and does not smell bad!
Title: Re: Some more downtime Post by: ConfusedUs on 2004-05-08, 02:55 Our neighbors are old people, so it's quiet.
It doesn't smell bad. In fact, it's the nicest-looking place I've ever lived in. And it's the center townhome in a building with three, so it's very well insulated. Heating/cooling costs will be nill. Title: Re: Some more downtime Post by: shambler on 2004-05-08, 12:23 Quote from: Phoenix and does not smell bad! Welcome back Con.You just wait till the baby is on solids! Title: Re: Some more downtime Post by: games keeper on 2004-05-08, 21:43 hmm con maybe you and your upper and lower neighboors should buy aq router and share the internet with 3 or something (would save some costs )
next , have you got a job now to? this way your life will be beautifull and without wurries :thumb: Title: Re: Some more downtime Post by: ConfusedUs on 2004-05-10, 20:07 Good thoughts GK, but I don't think it'll be necessary.
The good news: We got the place! I just signed the lease. We'll be moving later today, and hopefully will have internet within a week. ;) Title: Re: Some more downtime Post by: ConfusedUs on 2004-05-12, 20:37 My internet gets hooked up tomorrow night!
w00t! |