Title: BBC (linky) Post by: dna on 2004-05-05, 22:40 http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/wales/s...ast/3682653.stm (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/wales/south_east/3682653.stm)
Title: Re: BBC Post by: Woodsman on 2004-05-06, 02:10 makes perfect sense to me.
Title: Re: BBC Post by: Hedhunta on 2004-05-06, 03:29 oh hes 'special' because he cant shut the spork up. lmao
Title: Re: BBC Post by: Phoenix on 2004-05-06, 05:30 Should have used duct tape.
Title: Re: BBC Post by: Gnam on 2004-05-06, 06:43 That's nothing. One time when a kid in my class kept on talking the teacher pegged him in the face with a dry-erase marker and yelled "STFU!".
Another time after another kid continually interupted him he was like WHAT THE HELL IS THE PROBLEM? DO WE HAVE TO HANG A SIGN ABOVE YOUR HEAD THAT SAYS "SHUT THE HELL UP," YAH? [he was german] Title: Re: BBC Post by: Genialus on 2004-05-06, 07:34 He's not retarded, he's a very special boy.
Teachers can't do shit today about anything and that would be fine if some children didn't make a point of taking advantage of it and be as impossible as possible. So what if he couldn't talk for a while? Title: Re: BBC Post by: Woodsman on 2004-05-06, 16:40 is it a coincidence that since teachers and parents have been unable to smack around thier kids that kids have gotten dumber and dumber with each generation (note the baby boomers were even stupider than thier kids so they dont count)
Title: Re: BBC Post by: games keeper on 2004-05-06, 17:21 ok , let me tell you whats going wrong.
these days , when a teacher punishes the student , the student goes to his parents and complains that he got punished . the parent then go to complain against the teacher that teachers may not punish there children. =>teacher gets in trouble , kids who did something wrong got of with it for free . in the old days , when a teacher puished a student , the student wouldnt dare to tell his parent sine his parents would punish him again for what he did in school . ==> teacher has learned the kid a lesson he would never forge , kid knows what not do again . for me , I prefer the old days . if that kid didn't shut up , the teacher had the right to do so , the only thing that could have happened was that the kid is moustage would be hanging on the tape when he pulled it off , ( but since it is a kid I dont think he has a moustage ) . if my kid would come home and tell me his teacher taped his mouth of , I would laugh at him and givethe teacher a hand . Title: Re: BBC Post by: shambler on 2004-05-06, 19:28 Quote from: Woodsman is it a coincidence that since teachers and parents have been unable to smack around thier kids that kids have gotten dumber and dumber with each generation (note the baby boomers were even stupider than thier kids so they dont count) I agree.I am a teacher in full time Ed, and bit by bit our athority has been eroded to the point where nobody wants to teach anymore. My school has 40% supply teachers, and 15% who have had to be brought in from abroard! We often cannot teach because we cannot get the attention of the children, so the lessons have to be easy with little real learning. Example: today five 16 year olds burst into my computer suite and refuse to leave, throwing paper on the floor, shouting and geniral idiocy. I call for back upon the radio, and help comes, but by then they have run off to cause damage somewhere else in the biulding. Turns out they have been at that sort of thing all day. If they are caught - what's thier punishment? a week off school. Title: Re: BBC Post by: Hedhunta on 2004-05-07, 12:51 isnt it wonderful to know that the worst punishment kids get in school is a free vacation from it?
Title: Re: BBC Post by: Woodsman on 2004-05-07, 15:55 When i was growing up my older brother and i were spanked. we dont have cigarette burns on our faces or anything but we got taken to the wood shed from time to time. My younger brother who is 6 years younger than i (my older brother and i are only 20 months apart ) was not spanked and really was rarely discipline in any way. He unlike my older brother and i has been arrested several times and is on probation from time to time. While me and the sergeant are certainly no saints our youthful endeavors were tame in comparison.
By the way shambler i had no idea you were old enough to be a teacher. i figured you were 17 or so. Title: Re: BBC Post by: shambler on 2004-05-07, 16:49 Hey, I'll take that as a compliment!
I am quite old, but play the guitar, am in a band, do photos for CD covers, play UT and Gen, read a lot of Si-Fi, often read comics, etc. I just seem to have never matured much, and could never spell anyway. Like GK, I failed english, but I failed it 7 times. (all true) I'm old. see my profile for details. My freinds in the real world range from 20 to 53. My job (one of the worst 12 schools in England) makes me eratic and often depressed, but also keeps me full of energy. Its all relative. in 100 years, we'll all be dust. :ownage: Title: Re: BBC Post by: dna on 2004-05-07, 18:56 Quote from: shambler Its all relative. in 100 years, we'll all be dust. :ownage: Title: Re: BBC Post by: shambler on 2004-05-07, 20:01 Quote from: dna I've got plans. Title: Re: BBC Post by: dna on 2004-05-07, 21:09 I plan to not be dust.
Title: Re: BBC Post by: games keeper on 2004-05-07, 21:49 Quote just seem to have never matured much, and could never spell anyway. Like GK, I failed english, but I failed it 7 times. (all true) My friend , I think this is the beginning of a beautifull friendship :thumb: Title: Re: BBC Post by: Gnam on 2004-05-07, 22:24 If my grand dad can live to be 100 so can I.