Title: WHS File mirroring Post by: [WaRdeN] on 2004-05-12, 00:57 Working on a file mirroring service for Quaketheism.org
You can currently "test" what is being worked on, through http://mirrors.quaketheism.org (http://mirrors.quaketheism.org) Right now I just have the Generations stuff up there. Besides "Waiting Line" and "Advertisements" What would you change about FilePlanet, if you could do it anew. Title: Re: WHS File mirroring Post by: Phoenix on 2004-05-13, 05:27 Besides everything? :D
Download speed for starters, which I've noticed is already excellent. Very good stuff there. On your test link I snagged mappack2 just to test and I averaged 370, whereas on FP I can get 82 if I'm lucky. Other than that, I would say a good search/index function. FP's search functions suck majorly. I'm lucky if I can EVER find what I'm looking for on FP unless I already have a link pointing to the download page. The ability to add descriptions for a file would be the only other thing that comes to mind. This would help the search feature I think since you can just type in, say, "generations" and any file with the word "generations" in the description text will show in the results. That's about all I can think of. Title: Re: WHS File mirroring Post by: [WaRdeN] on 2004-05-13, 14:10 Hrm, good search. That's a good idea.
Title: Re: WHS File mirroring Post by: games keeper on 2004-05-13, 16:27 dead links are a pain in the ass
Title: Re: WHS File mirroring Post by: [WaRdeN] on 2004-05-14, 19:21 So that's all the constructive criticism on fileplanet?
Ok, what about the other file places. Fileshack, pq3.net, etc etc. If you could create the perfect file repository, what would it feature? Title: Re: WHS File mirroring Post by: Tha[\]atos on 2004-05-14, 19:46 resume download. i'm on dialup and I get disconnected in the middle of large files all the time. (and sometimes I need to stop the d/l because I share the connection)
Title: Re: WHS File mirroring Post by: Phoenix on 2004-05-15, 05:04 ftp as well as http transfers is a thought.
Perhaps also some way to distribute the load when multiple clients are downloading? Let's say there's a theoretical 10 Megabyte/second download rate (since I don't know the actual bandwidth at qthe.org). You get one client on who can transfer at 500k/second, no big deal. Now say you have 100 people. Instead of the first 20 getting all the bandwidth, leaving the rest out in the cold, could the bandwidth be divided up based on number of connections so that each client snagged at 100K until the load decreased again? This is also not counting some "reserved" bandwidth to remain off-limits for downloads so that websites and game servers continue to function when and if the download mirror hits max capacity. Title: Re: WHS File mirroring Post by: games keeper on 2004-05-15, 10:35 no loging in , exept when you want to resume a download of somekind .
( im not gonna register on every site you know . ) |