Title: I have a question. (Don't laugh at me!) Post by: scalliano on 2004-05-24, 20:18 I've been around on the Gen servers for a bit now on and off (the words "Connection Interrupted" spring to mind but I'll not get into that now).
I just had a perusal at the server rules (yeah, NOW he does it) and, without wishing to sound like a complete newb, what does "AFK" mean? Title: Re: I have a question. Post by: Tabun on 2004-05-24, 20:26 Away From Keyboard :]
Btw, I figure this goes much better in the Off-Topic thead, so I'll move it there.. Title: Re: I have a question. Post by: Tekhead on 2004-05-24, 20:37 no fear, we were all newbs at one point.
Title: Re: I have a question. Post by: scalliano on 2004-05-24, 21:55 D'oh! So obvious when you see it written down. Cheers.
Title: Re: I have a question. Post by: ConfusedUs on 2004-05-24, 22:00 OMGWTF!
FFS! ROFLMAO? OK, BBIAB. TTYL! Title: Re: I have a question. Post by: OoBeY on 2004-05-24, 22:03 IMAFKYGDRFN. HWTHIWWYSTYCSOTIFSMTWKWAMNSAM. J.
Title: Re: I have a question. Post by: ConfusedUs on 2004-05-24, 22:05 Quote from: OoBeY IMAFKYGDRFN. HWTHIWWYSTYCSOTIFSMTWKWAMNSAM. J. ROY G BIV?Title: Re: I have a question. Post by: OoBeY on 2004-05-24, 22:11 (http://www.teamyacht.com/music/gfx/rainbow.gif)
Title: Re: I have a question. Post by: ConfusedUs on 2004-05-24, 22:13 sporker ;)
Title: Re: I have a question. Post by: scalliano on 2004-05-24, 22:49 I've created a monster.
Title: Re: I have a question. Post by: Tekhead on 2004-05-24, 23:44 more like a following of fellow newbies.
Title: Re: I have a question. Post by: Phoenix on 2004-05-25, 03:09 *pounds head on floor*
Make it stop! |