Title: Crash Testing: MINI vs F-150 Post by: Tekhead on 2004-05-27, 11:43 http://www.bridger.us/2002/12/16/CrashTest...ooperVsFordF150 (http://www.bridger.us/2002/12/16/CrashTestingMINICooperVsFordF150)
Neat read if you're into car safety. Title: Re: Crash Testing: MINI vs F-150 Post by: ConfusedUs on 2004-05-27, 13:45 I never liked ford anyway :)
Title: Re: Crash Testing: MINI vs F-150 Post by: games keeper on 2004-05-27, 20:48 damn you con , damn you .
/me huggles some mustang , torino , falcon pictures and looks at the prices of those machines . I will never get 1 of those cars :( Title: Re: Crash Testing: MINI vs F-150 Post by: Dicion on 2004-05-28, 08:25 GK: actually, my co-worker is selling his 1998 Ford Mustang here in belgium before he leaves..
I think he wants 10,000 euro for it.. it's in excellent shape, has GPS and all that stuff. Title: Re: Crash Testing: MINI vs F-150 Post by: Phoenix on 2004-05-28, 13:17 I find no excuse for this kind of crap engineering. I do not like Mini Coopers, but engineering is engineering and the pictures do not lie. This is 1973 all over again - big heavy gas-guzzlers being beaten out by tiny little imports, only THIS time the big heavy gas-guzzlers don't even have the benefit of being built like tanks! I hope the Ford executives rot in hell over this. Needlessly sacrificing lives for profit! :evil:
Title: Re: Crash Testing: MINI vs F-150 Post by: LeeMon on 2004-05-28, 20:01 Devil's Advocate here: Not defending the results of this test, but do you realize how often a Ford F-150 strikes something at 40mph that doesn't give way?
Counter-argument: How does this test result pass federal guidelines? (This coming from the guy whose sister rolled a pickup, and the cab roof bent down over the steering wheel... if she'd left her seat belt on and hadn't been thrown into the floorboards she could be dead...) Title: Re: Crash Testing: MINI vs F-150 Post by: Phoenix on 2004-05-29, 06:48 There are plenty of telephone poles around anywhere in the continental US. They don't give way unless you're driving a dump truck.
Title: Re: Crash Testing: MINI vs F-150 Post by: games keeper on 2004-05-29, 11:42 dic , im more for the old mustangs without 2 many electronics in them . 196x to 197x .
about ford , 2 cars ago my dad had a ford mondeo . while driving backwards he hitted a trashcan ( an ordinary stupid trashcan , not a container or whatever ) there was a hole in his bumper the and in the bumper you could see the much or whatever you find back in old beds . if you would drive a volvo backwarts against a treestump or something you could drive against it withot having damage at all . and saying to yourself where the hell did i drove against this time ? . |