Title: I...I love college! (*sob!*) Post by: OoBeY on 2004-06-15, 04:23 Behold, mortals! (http://www.dslreports.com/speedtests/9685974;5082772;4cc71b85ee637142b4b3547528818cca;3.0;www.dslreports.com/1087268517)
Title: Re: I...I love college! Post by: ConfusedUs on 2004-06-15, 04:36 I hate you. =(
Title: Re: I...I love college! Post by: Phoenix on 2004-06-15, 04:46 GG oob!
Title: Re: I...I love college! Post by: Tekhead on 2004-06-15, 05:00 Enjoy it while it lasts.
Title: Re: I...I love college! Post by: Genialus on 2004-06-16, 22:11 When we're lucky our school can deliver about 3MB/sec but that's only when the new ones aren't using their dirty fingers for dl'ing warez.
btw you don't want sweden to join that competition, some time ago i saw that some company up there is offering 100Mbit connections for about the price I could get 6 or 8 Mbit for (if we for a second imagined that anyone was offering that in DK) |