Title: Funny mp3 of radio show Post by: ConfusedUs on 2004-06-15, 04:37 This is so funny.
http://www.streetneeds.com/solidpantz/iroc.mp3 (http://www.streetneeds.com/solidpantz/iroc.mp3) This guy calls into a radio show about getting out of tickets, and says he gets out of them because he drives an IROC. Cops are jealous of him, they don't give him tickets because they're afraid he'll beat them up, etc. Oh and radar doesn't work on his car because the IROC is made of a special metal, like the stealth bomber. It's hilarious. Title: Re: Funny mp3 of radio show Post by: Genialus on 2004-06-16, 17:11 Is this guy serious?
If he's joking he's a damn fine actor. it really sounds like the thing about his constitutional rights is something he just memorised but not something he understands. I just HAVE to say this: :offtopic: I BET HE PLAYS COUNTERSTRIKE!!!! Title: Re: Funny mp3 of radio show Post by: Hedhunta on 2004-06-16, 18:41 its a joke.. this is fairly old, but is funny as hell, the guy talking about his iroc is fake, but the other people that call in and argue with him arent.