Wirehead Studios

General Discussion => Off-Topic => Topic started by: Tekhead on 2004-06-26, 22:09

Title: WHS Hotel Floor Section?
Post by: Tekhead on 2004-06-26, 22:09
I'll be calling to reserve a spot for qcon sometime soon... is there a specific floor I should try to get reserved where the rest of the crew'll be? Thanks!

Title: Re: WHS Hotel Floor Section?
Post by: ConfusedUs on 2004-06-27, 14:32
not that I'm aware of

Title: Re: WHS Hotel Floor Section?
Post by: Tekhead on 2004-07-05, 19:38
On another note, I NEED A FSCKING ROOMATE >_<

$450 for 4 days on the room alone is expensive!!! Anyone available??

Title: Re: WHS Hotel Floor Section?
Post by: ConfusedUs on 2004-07-05, 19:39
ask oob and redx, as the chances of me going are next to nil at this point.

My hours at work got cut from 40 to 16. =(

Title: Re: WHS Hotel Floor Section?
Post by: OoBeY on 2004-07-05, 21:47
ah, you should have told me that, con. yeah, tek, we've got a spot open if you want.

Title: Re: WHS Hotel Floor Section?
Post by: Tekhead on 2004-07-05, 22:04
Pimp! That'd be awesome!!! Lemme know how you wanna split things in a PM =D