Wirehead Studios

General Discussion => Off-Topic => Topic started by: Gnam on 2003-04-01, 04:33

Title: CD Key Problems
Post by: Gnam on 2003-04-01, 04:33
I bought Q3, got a CD in a case with a cdkey, but I frequently get "mistyped cdkey" and "invalid cdkey" messages, especially on punk buster servers. Sometimes, I have no problems, but lately I can't play anywhere cause PB won't let me with an "invalid" key.

Also, from time to time I notice online player model body parts will get juggled, ie a guy with a Ranger model will get a Orb head, or a guy with a Minx model will get a Sarge head. Any idea WTF is up with that?

Title: Re: CD Key Problems
Post by: Lilazzkicker on 2003-04-01, 05:13
ok, first off, are you using ase, or something similar to connect to servers?
if so, stop doing it, and enter the ip manaully to connect, i had this issue also, but it states on the pb main site how to fix it

http://www.evenbalance.com/index.php?page=faq-q3.php (http://www.evenbalance.com/index.php?page=faq-q3.php)

Why do I sometimes get messages saying "Invalid cdkey", "Mistyped cdkey?" and/or "Client Unknown to Auth"?

These messages are not PB-related issues. They have to do with your cdkey and id Software's cdkey authorization server. Some players report that deleting the q3key file from the various folders where the game is installed will fix the problem after they re-enter their cdkey one more time. Others say that connecting to servers inside the game instead of using an external game browser such as GameSpy or All-Seeing-Eye will fix the problem.

check hunkmegs for weird models

Title: Re: CD Key Problems
Post by: games keeper on 2003-04-01, 09:52
weird models are easy to get .
the guys just do that to have a more unique player model .
if you type in
 /model doom/phobos
/headmodel bones

you will look like phobos but with bones his head .
in team games its
/team_model doom
team_headmodel bones.
coolest players till now are.
model   --------------------------------------------->head

hunter --------------------------------------------- >mynx
doom ---------------------------------------------->bones
bones --------------------------------------------->any head
any model exept orbb ------------------------->bones
keel   ----------------------------------------------->doom
doom ---------------------------------------------->sarge
lucy ------------------------------------------------->sarge
crash ----------------------------------------------->mynx

if ya wanna check this go stand for the mirror at q3dm0 (where you fight crash ) and type the commands in  (dont forget to press Tab or otherwise your model doesnt change.

hope this helped the model issue

Title: Re: CD Key Problems
Post by: Gnam on 2003-04-02, 00:05
If I delete the cdkey file won't it just ask me to retype it? do I leave it in one folder and delete it from another? How do I check hunkmegs/what do I look for?

If players are purposely mismatching heads then fine, but if it's a bug then that's not cool. I'll just assume it's by choice untill I have reason to beleive otherwise.

Title: Re: CD Key Problems
Post by: Lilazzkicker on 2003-04-02, 02:00
yeah, if you delete the cd key, but i suggest trying to connect through the pull down menu first before doing so, and hunk megs are pointed out in the manual