Wirehead Studios

General Discussion => Off-Topic => Topic started by: ConfusedUs on 2004-07-04, 14:41

Title: haha titanium breast implants
Post by: ConfusedUs on 2004-07-04, 14:41
http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_995532.html (http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_995532.html)

"Since the material is about as thick as breast tissue, it cannot be felt. The operation is painless, but for up to the three months, the sensitive breast tissue may occasionally hurt when touched or pressed," he said.

haha wtf

Title: Re: haha titanium breast implants
Post by: Lopson on 2004-07-04, 14:54
:D  :D  :D  :D  :D
Now that's weird!

Title: Re: haha titanium breast implants
Post by: ConfusedUs on 2004-07-04, 14:57
more like titanium, am I rite? omgwtfbbq!

Title: Re: haha titanium breast implants
Post by: Lopson on 2004-07-04, 15:03
Now those things must be very heavy no? And shiny too.

 :D  :D  ^_^  ^_^  :D

Title: Re: haha titanium breast implants
Post by: Hedhunta on 2004-07-04, 19:49
talk about sagging & back problems.

Title: Re: haha titanium breast implants
Post by: Phoenix on 2004-07-05, 07:12
Yet another advantage to being a bird...

Title: Re: haha titanium breast implants
Post by: scalliano on 2004-07-05, 17:20
Quote from: Hedhunta
talk about sagging & back problems.
Yeah, and at about 60 you end up with a set of boobs that look like cheesegraters ... ugh.

Title: Re: haha titanium breast implants
Post by: Assamite on 2004-07-07, 16:28
Quote from: Phoenix
Yet another advantage to being a bird...
Dude, humans have bird breasts for lunch and dinner. Which tastes mighty wonderful. I wouldn't call that an advantage, but at least you'll NEVER have to worry about implants.

Title: Re: haha titanium breast implants
Post by: Phoenix on 2004-07-08, 05:38
So what if you do?  Am I supposed to be impressed by the so-called "pinacle of evolution" doing nothing more than feeding off of slave-bred chickens raised in pens at factory farms?  When your species is around for as long as dinosaurs and can hunt just as well THEN I'll be impressed with you, and not before.

Now back on topic.  The topic is in regards to sagging mammary glands, not the food chain.

Title: Re: haha titanium breast implants
Post by: Woodsman on 2004-07-08, 06:18
Its the ultimate quest of man. To build a better bosom.

Title: Re: haha titanium breast implants
Post by: Lopson on 2004-07-08, 09:55
...This  topic is getting weird by the minute. :shifty:

Title: Re: haha titanium breast implants
Post by: Vadertime on 2004-07-09, 21:37
Did you hear about the pills they've got now that allegedly make mammary tissue grow larger naturally? There are several brands out. The most expensive is Bloussant, then there's Herbal Grobust, and many others. If it works a woman could have a bigger chest than Dolly Parton and every milligram of it be her own real meat. Naturally any woman wishing to be a two legged dairy heifer should start exercising to build up her back muscles right away. Abs too to prevent tension problems. And Pho, bird breasts are all muscle. Any animal can have that if they pump enough iron for long enough.

Title: Re: haha titanium breast implants
Post by: Lopson on 2004-07-09, 22:33
Blast-o-Sucker mammary tissue pills! Now in Strawberry flavour!

 :D  :D  :D  :D  :D

Title: Re: haha titanium breast implants
Post by: Phoenix on 2004-07-09, 22:49
Quote from: Vadertime
And Pho, bird breasts are all muscle.
Why are you telling me something I already know?  Did you mean to address someone else?  By the way, not every animal can have pectoral muscles like a bird.  You have to have the bone structure to support it.  We have a very large and strong keel bone that supports the muscles which keep us in the air.  There's also genetic factors to consider for muscle growth as well.  It's not as simple as "pumping a lot of iron".

Title: Re: haha titanium breast implants
Post by: Vadertime on 2004-07-11, 01:47
Yes I know, but did you know factory farmed meat birds have the biggest? I've heard that chickens grown for white meat are so top heavy they can barely waddle like a duck and Tom turkeys grown for Thanksgiving are so overgrown that they can't even hump the female birds. They have to use artificial insemination. I've never known a bird that could talk this well before either. The neighbors' ducks just quack and they're chickens cluck. Only parrots actually speak words. Are you a parrot Phoenix? Besides we were talking about implants here. Actually the pills might work with the implants. A woman could get implants and gradually use smaller ones until the space is all real meat. Breast tissue is totally different from bird flapper meat of course.

Title: Re: haha titanium breast implants
Post by: Phoenix on 2004-07-11, 07:45
Since you brought the subject up... let's pump you full of all sorts of hormones and see what happens to YOUR body.  I know all too well the wretched conditions of factory farms and what they do to my kin.

Now back on topic before I start getting mad.