Title: Running DooM as SysAdmin Post by: ConfusedUs on 2004-07-14, 06:52 http://www.cs.unm.edu/%7Edlchao/flake/doom/ (http://www.cs.unm.edu/%7Edlchao/flake/doom/)
hehe this is great Title: Re: Running DooM as SysAdmin Post by: Phoenix on 2004-07-14, 06:54 I remember seeing this a while back. System processes that fight back? Now that's evil.
Title: Re: Running DooM as SysAdmin Post by: dna on 2004-07-14, 22:34 Old, but still cool.
Title: Re: Running DooM as SysAdmin Post by: scalliano on 2004-07-14, 23:10 Yeah, I've seen this one. Well funny!
Title: Re: Running DooM as SysAdmin Post by: Footman on 2004-07-15, 00:24 I'd like to try that. :D