Wirehead Studios

General Discussion => Off-Topic => Topic started by: games keeper on 2004-07-28, 14:21

Title: 100 % geek (when did you discouver it)
Post by: games keeper on 2004-07-28, 14:21
when did you guys discouvered you where 100 % geek .

mine was when me and my friends brought our laptops to school together with a hub and lancables , so we could play games during brakes .

Title: Re: 100 % geek
Post by: Tabun on 2004-07-28, 14:55
Definition 1.
a performer in a carnival or the like who does grotesque acts, such as biting the heads off live chickens or snakes.
Definition 2.
any person who is considered to be different in a grotesque or bizarre way.

In case 1, I discovered I wasn't, when I discovered I liked the taste of neither (raw) chicken nor that of snakes.
In case 2, it was sort of known from the get-go. Then again, I'm quite sure the rest of the world is different from me in a bizarre way, not the other way around. Makes much more sense from this P.o.V. - wait, what was this about again?

Title: Re: 100 % geek
Post by: Tekhead on 2004-07-28, 15:17
I'm stuck in denial. Screw you.

*steals lunch money*

Title: Re: 100 % geek
Post by: Lopson on 2004-07-28, 15:40
Case 1

Case 2
Let's just say I can make myself vomit in my own mouth. :D  :D

Title: Re: 100 % geek
Post by: Woodsman on 2004-07-28, 18:37
i knew i was a geek when i started sleeping during the day and staying up all night since my father only allowed me to use the internet after 9:00pm to aviod misssing phone calls. That was id say  4 or 5 years ago. since then i made the whole deal official by working graveyard shifts (with my laptop of course)

Title: Re: 100 % geek
Post by: dna on 2004-07-28, 19:06
I'm not a geek, so this is just a spam post.

Title: Re: 100 % geek
Post by: Woodsman on 2004-07-28, 20:08
DNA: denile aint just a river in egypt

Title: Re: 100 % geek
Post by: games keeper on 2004-07-28, 21:11
I wanna bet DNA has a story to tell us that makes him the biggest geek of us all .

Title: Re: 100 % geek
Post by: dna on 2004-07-28, 22:08
Nope, no story here.  I can't compete with you guys.

Title: Re: 100 % geek
Post by: shambler on 2004-07-28, 23:45
I've always been a geek. Never liked football, or that kind of stuff. Just played guitar and chess (plus karate) until computers were invented that I could afford. Had a rough time from my father for the first 20 years of my life, as he's just the opposite of me. Its late here. I'm getting melancoly....

Title: Re: 100 % geek
Post by: Kain-Xavier on 2004-07-29, 02:43
Around age 5 or 6 when I first took up the controller ;)

Title: Re: 100 % geek
Post by: Lopson on 2004-07-29, 10:31
My first PC was a 80386DX with Win3.1. I still play Wolf3d & UltDooM with that computer ^_^ .

Title: Re: 100 % geek
Post by: dna on 2004-07-29, 16:15
Quote from: [KruzadeR
] My first PC was a 80386DX with Win3.1. I still play Wolf3d & UltDooM with that computer ^_^ .
TRS 80 > 386 ;)
Ah, I miss the old cassette tape drives.  They had style.

Title: Re: 100 % geek
Post by: games keeper on 2004-07-29, 16:34
Ah, I miss the old cassette tape drives. They had style
I hear a story coming up ....

Title: Re: 100 % geek
Post by: Tabun on 2004-07-29, 16:36

Kruzader: Can you make that sig about 1/2 to 1/3 in height? It's kind of nuts.


Title: Re: 100 % geek
Post by: Kelemvor on 2004-08-12, 02:34
I am not really sure what mine is, but recently I made a move called "The Mario."  This move is similar to rocket jumping, except you are aiming to leap off of your opponent's head while being propelled upwards.  How geeky is that?

Title: Re: 100 % geek
Post by: Dr. Jones on 2004-08-12, 04:50
mmmm, 386.  snazzy compared to my first computer (not counting my VIC-20)... a Tandy SX/2000 - 8088 running at a blazing 8MHz, with CGA graphics, and we paid extra to have a 10MB hard drive put in (it didn't come with one)... 5.25" floppy drive... HD even, we could fit a whopping 1.2MB on a disk, as opposed to the 360KB floppies that ruled the day.  i think all in all, my parents paid $2500-$3000 for it.

i also had (and still have) an Atari2600, NES, Sega Genesis, and SuperNES.

then there's the electronic work i've done.  my first big project was a "power alert" device, which i built before digital clocks had battery backups (or at least before any stores near us got any)... when the power went out, it simply made a near-earsplitting beeping noise, designed to wake you up and let you know the power was out.  i've also modded a game boy advance (not SP), with the help of kenny, to put in a backlight and dimmer for the backlight.  another mod i did was to make a fan speed controller for my computer - again, this was before such devices were commonly available.  my most recent mod was to solder an additional power wiring harness onto a motherboard that was overloading its 5V rails (tyan dual athlon board, they're notorious for doing that).  and this doesn't include all the minor solder jobs i've done :)