Wirehead Studios

Wirehead Modifications => Generations Arena => Topic started by: o'dium on 2004-08-04, 15:35

Title: Tabun, played Doom 3 yet?
Post by: o'dium on 2004-08-04, 15:35
Have you seen the power ups? They look amazing. I'm thinking something along the lines of these would work great in Gen. Although they ARE more Doom 3 than Doom, the Mega Health Sphere looks perfect for doom ,and i think if you took on that design over all with the other power ups (The glow, the way it moves etc), they would look great.

I have the game anyways so if anybody wants pics, i can post them.

Title: Re: Tabun, played Doom 3 yet?
Post by: Tabun on 2004-08-04, 18:22
I haven't bought or played Doom3 yet (apart from *cough*a_small_warez_testrun*cough*), and I haven't seen the powerups. I'm trying not to get stuff spoiled for me until I have bought the game and hardware to acceptably run it.

Screenshots of powerups are welcome, as they are obviously more multiplayer related items. I don't think we'll ever try to match them for Generations, seeing how we're going for the nostalgia effect :]

Title: Re: Tabun, played Doom 3 yet?
Post by: shambler on 2004-08-04, 19:30
I thought I'd never play it, but I've got  Doom 3 coming this saturday.

I've also put XP on my main comp now, as M.E. kept locking up, etc, and was getting me down.

Title: Re: Tabun, played Doom 3 yet?
Post by: games keeper on 2004-08-04, 19:46
it only lcoked up the last couple of weeks ???
you got a pretty stable windows ME if you ask me .

Title: Re: Tabun, played Doom 3 yet?
Post by: o'dium on 2004-08-05, 02:33
Ok, here they are...

http://dynamic5.gamespy.com/%7Eblur/forums...hp?postid=52818 (http://dynamic5.gamespy.com/%7Eblur/forums/attachment.php?postid=52818)

http://dynamic5.gamespy.com/%7Eblur/forums...hp?postid=52819 (http://dynamic5.gamespy.com/%7Eblur/forums/attachment.php?postid=52819)

Mega Health:
http://dynamic5.gamespy.com/%7Eblur/forums...hp?postid=52820 (http://dynamic5.gamespy.com/%7Eblur/forums/attachment.php?postid=52820)

Title: Re: Tabun, played Doom 3 yet?
Post by: Parapsyche on 2004-08-05, 08:06
I went and bought it yesterday...oh man, such an amazing game.  Graphically, the closest thing I can compare it to is real life :P

Title: Re: Tabun, played Doom 3 yet?
Post by: o'dium on 2004-08-05, 12:48
Graphics wise i hate it, its ugly as fu*k in places, so low res, even on my settings (I run the game even higher than the menu asks. Ultra+, if you like). Its just really ,really bland in places, like computer terminals, while the screen is mega sharp.. .Bah...

The gameplay is where its at. VERY cool. Great game to play, and the MP owns anything out there.

Title: Re: Tabun, played Doom 3 yet?
Post by: games keeper on 2004-08-05, 14:38
are you shure your not playing doom 2 or something ?