Wirehead Studios

Wirehead Modifications => Generations Arena => Topic started by: Master7 on 2004-08-04, 20:42

Title: Doom 3 has arrived (Generations need to add doom 3)
Post by: Master7 on 2004-08-04, 20:42
Anyways generations should have doom 3 on the list. Its a popular game that can kill everybody. Anyways the best part about doom 3 is where they have those grenades. Lol. Anyways modelers go 2 www.planetdoom.com 2 check the new doom 3. Anyways try 2 stay on task on which models r new.

To be continued ... lol

Title: Re: Doom 3 has arrived
Post by: games keeper on 2004-08-04, 20:54
exept te anyways , I havent understood a single sentence .

Title: Re: Doom 3 has arrived
Post by: ReBoOt on 2004-08-04, 21:52
Neither do i... Anyways if anyone spoil any thing about doom 3 i'll have to kill you! :D

Title: Re: Doom 3 has arrived
Post by: dna on 2004-08-04, 23:11
Quote from: games keeper
exept te anyways , I havent understood a single sentence .
And that's saying something.

Title: Re: Doom 3 has arrived
Post by: Tekhead on 2004-08-05, 00:16
Anyways... anyways... anyways... NO.


This mod is about classic-styled looks and gameplay.
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Title: Re: Doom 3 has arrived
Post by: Hollowpoint on 2004-08-05, 01:31
Doom3 is a re-telling of Doom and Generations already has a Doom class.

Title: Re: Doom 3 has arrived
Post by: Tabun on 2004-08-05, 01:54
What the flying f*ck is the meaning of this thread? :]
While you're at it, suggest we add a RTCW class too. Oh, and Commander Keen.  And Quake 4, since that'll be released soon. Perhaps we can add Duke3D as well, while we're at it, you know, it's not like ID couldn't have made it ;]

Title: Re: Doom 3 has arrived
Post by: Phoenix on 2004-08-05, 02:38
Generations is about old-school vs old-school.  If you want to play Doom 3, play Doom 3.  Sheesh.  Thread closed.