Title: A thoughtful gift (34 year old scotch is good.) Post by: Woodsman on 2004-08-19, 01:37 Today in the mail i recived a package. Within it was a 34 year old bottle of Hart brothers scottish whiskey. Now anyone who drinks scotch can tell you this kind of shit is not cheap. It came with a card that said " From all the members of wirehead studios , thanks for all your contributions and dedication to the team". While im not sure any of my extremely limted contributions warrent a gift as fine as this im certainly very very pleased to have it. I can only imagine those amoung you who knew of my love of fine hooch figured i would freak out when i got this. Thank you all very much.
( that was entirely non sarcastic so soak it up because it may never happen again) Title: Re: A thoughtful gift Post by: Phoenix on 2004-08-19, 03:42 Well, I never condone the consumption of alcohol myself, but I'll agree in that whoever sent that your way was mighty kind, and as a result deserves mad props.
Title: Re: A thoughtful gift Post by: Footman on 2004-08-19, 05:47 As far as I know, it could've been Lee, Con, Ward, or Dicion.
Of course, I could be wrong... Title: Re: A thoughtful gift Post by: ConfusedUs on 2004-08-19, 14:45 You deserved it Woods ;)
Title: Re: A thoughtful gift Post by: Tabun on 2004-08-20, 00:46 34 yr old scotch is not just some alcoholic drink, it's fantastically good shite :]