Title: Tekhead's Overnight Revelation (Peer into the philosophical side of Tek!) Post by: Tekhead on 2003-04-22, 16:01 The Penis would love to assume that while it's active, clarity of vision is one of its best qualities. However, this intuition is generated from a fueled ambition, which often lead to serious setbacks; the perspective of the Penis is very straightforward, limited by tunnel vision. Also, do not forget that a head with only one eye has no depth perception. So, before you share a pillow with someone else, drink a tall glass of water and reconsider it, or indulge in self-pleasure before you greet the person you're going to rest with.
Some things are learned best the hard way... no pun intended. <_< :), - Tekhead Title: Re: Tekhead's Overnight Revelation Post by: Phoenix on 2003-04-23, 07:17 You certainly have an odd perspective. I dare say probably accurate, but very odd. But then, I've heard it said that human males think with the wrong part of their body.... :blink:
Title: Re: Tekhead's Overnight Revelation Post by: games keeper on 2003-04-23, 11:28 I heard males always follow there taile. it is true in some way.
Title: Re: Tekhead's Overnight Revelation Post by: dev/null on 2003-04-23, 14:11 Quote from: Phoenix But then, I've heard it said that human males think with the wrong part of their body.... A reputation none of the decent males (however few there is) will ever surpass. I guess the female population's reputation for buying shoes evens the playing field though :PTitle: Re: Tekhead's Overnight Revelation Post by: Atom235 on 2003-04-23, 18:06 I'm a decent male, for example.
:rolleyes: Title: Re: Tekhead's Overnight Revelation Post by: pepe on 2003-04-27, 02:06 atom.................... nope
your a porn-dog i grant you that i penis lacks deapth perception as its blind but yet again so do most blind things |