Title: PATCH YOUR SYSTEMS! (JPEGS are now vulnerable.) Post by: Phoenix on 2004-09-24, 07:29 http://news.com.com/Code+to+exploit+Window...ml?tag=nefd.top (http://news.com.com/Code+to+exploit+Windows+graphics+flaw+now+public/2100-1002_3-5378260.html?tag=nefd.top)
http://www.microsoft.com/security/bulletin...00409_jpeg.mspx (http://www.microsoft.com/security/bulletins/200409_jpeg.mspx) A JPEG vulnerability is serious, since it's all over the internet and everyone believes JPEG files to be harmless. You know, you get them in cutesy chain-letter emails, and you see them on just about every website in existence. Since this little flaw is now in a "demo" format by means of a program designed to show off this exploit, we can expect someone to start spamming viruses within the next two weeks, so patch now! Title: Re: PATCH YOUR SYSTEMS! Post by: Gnam on 2004-09-24, 14:04 Will do. Thanks for the heads up Pho.
Title: Re: PATCH YOUR SYSTEMS! Post by: ConfusedUs on 2004-09-24, 15:47 IE will read code hidden within a JPG
Firefox will not. <3 Firefox Title: Re: PATCH YOUR SYSTEMS! Post by: Angst on 2004-09-24, 16:17 yay firefox! :D
Title: Re: PATCH YOUR SYSTEMS! Post by: Phoenix on 2004-09-24, 22:22 GG Fire***. Now if I can flocking get this 1.0 build to compile! :wall:
Title: Re: PATCH YOUR SYSTEMS! Post by: shambler on 2004-10-05, 09:54 Appears to be a new firefox update guys.
but I can't be the first to post this news. |