Wirehead Studios

Wirehead Modifications => General Development ('Laced Neptune') => Topic started by: FluSyndrome on 2004-10-17, 07:00

Title: Wolf Arena beta (Do I dare?)
Post by: FluSyndrome on 2004-10-17, 07:00
This is a map that I'm working on for pkarena. I really like wolfenstein, brings back memmories of my first pc, a 386sx-16Mb computer, and a friend of mine copied the 4 diskettes for me to try the new "3d-game". I was HOOKED.

Anyways,  I have left  this version with very few weapons as I have gotten the hint :-).  I am not happy with the item placement yet, and  I haven't finished clipping it, but is fully playable and supports bots. I wanted the main fighting to be in the bridges, but it ain't happening, maybe because the rocket launcher is in the back.

It seems to work nicely for us in pkarena, at least with bots, I haven't tried it with my friends yet, but i am not sure in gen, I keep loosing to the darn bots all the time :-(

The pk version will be loaded with weapons and some powerups, I just wanted opinions from you guys, the wolfenstein earth experts hehh.

EDIT 10/21/04 New beta8  replaced previous beta (see below)
wolf's arena beta (http://www.flu.stonks.com/genwolf-beta8.zip)


Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: scalliano on 2004-10-17, 16:03
On first impressions, it works for me. Good to see you're not afraid to take the odd liberty with the improved engine. :thumb:

(Well, I got to walk around it for a bit and fall into the slime before the game crashed. Purely a driver issue on my PC. I'll reinstall Q3 so I can get a decent game of it.)

EDIT: I just had a game with 5 bots as the Wolfguy. Enjoyed it immensely. The only issue I can think of was that i didn't see any of the bots going for the RA.

Plus the authentic reproduction of Wolf3D's crappy graphics means my humble GF2 doesn't have a problem running it. I'll be hanging on to this one! :thumb:

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: Assamite on 2004-10-18, 00:21
That lava is extremely misleading... because it's BLUE!

There seem to be a LOT of large empty space. A health or shard or to would go fine in those places.

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: FluSyndrome on 2004-10-18, 00:30
I left it empty on purpose, just the essentials to play some bots, cause  I got blasted for overcrowding :-) with items. I'm open to suggestions, I rather put stuff in than remove'em :-)  I didn't think real lava went well in Wolfenstein, they did however have some water in the originals, although just for show, you couldn't go in it, I just wanted people to die in it cause is no fun if it was water, and I just can't wait to lob a wolfe mortar on someone's head and see him get knocked out in the slime :-)

I'm still playing some real wolfenstein to get ideas for some detailing too, I can't find wooden barrels or knight models :-(  but I'll think of something.

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: ConfusedUs on 2004-10-18, 01:03
I'll look at it in later, when I get the time.

And thanks for limiting your screenshot to 800x600 this time around!

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: FluSyndrome on 2004-10-18, 01:08
Sorry about that, I haden't read the instructions for posting screenshots until yesterday :-0

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: ConfusedUs on 2004-10-18, 02:22
Those instructions weren't up until you posted your 111100000x9999999990 screenshots, lol ;)

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: FluSyndrome on 2004-10-18, 12:16

This is the latest beta, probably the finished version structurally, just waiting to see what item/weapon changes can be made to improve flow. I finished detailing, found a knight model, although pretty big :-) Made a couple hallways narrower, added a couple small health and shards and ammo around. See what you think.

Wolf's Arena beta4 (http://www.flu.stonks.com/genwolf-beta4.zip)

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: Tabun on 2004-10-18, 17:41
Another nice effort, Flu!
I'm just gonna spew all my crits, in the order I ran into them in the map. If you disagree with any or all of them, on basis of the maps theme for instance, just ignore and proceed :]

  • Some area's are oddly clipped, for instance the swastica/eagle decor niches in the grey-brick section. At the same time, the columns in the RL room aren't clipped, and hiding behind them is amusing, but odd :]
  • The RA room is camper heaven. There's hardly a way to flush a player out, unless we're talking tactical grenade-spam or a BFG 10k shot. It is also higher ground, which makes it easier to 'defend'.
  • Many of the door(frame) textures seem odd to me. For example, the lock mechanism texture (the one with the metallic slot/part in the middle) is used in quite unexpected places.
  • The lift texture (red brick area) is one of my Doom doors, and though I am ofcourse pleased to see it in use, I find this a weird place to do so - the tech-look doesn't go well with the bricks either, imho.
  • The area surrounding the white (metallic?) vault textures next to the MH spawn look.. odd. It's not a convincing architectural piece, but it looks out of place as well, to me.
  • The ghostly electrical Knights (whatever they may be) look pretty neat, but not wolfish in any way, to me.  I'm sure a more Wolf3D style suit of armor is out there, if not - I might be able to make one in the relatively near future.
  • The 'outside area' is rather bland, and a bit of a style clash. Perhaps some convincing 'seams' or separation of the structures would help here.. Also, the bridges look entirely out of place. The upper walkway seems to be floating mysteriously on thin air  (ie. it looks like a it couldn't take the weight of a bunnyrabbit). The lava looks rather like water (I learnt this the hard way :)) - Perhaps if it were to look more like a moat.. ?
  • The trip to the medikit/LSoV doesn't seem worth it. It looks damned good and moody (I especially like the tree placed in the soil), but there's no real reason to visit the place during a tense game.
  • The big nazi banners (next to the door to the RA chamber) seem to slide back and forth, instead of flapping in the breeze (in other places, the flags are doing this properly).
  • I've modelled some pillars that might look better than some of the brush-built pillars - but that is a matter of personal opinion - I have not compared the two, and it's a long time since I made the map-model, so I'll refrain from making bold statements about its quality or apprioriateness - just the suggestion to perhaps give it a look ;]
  • And one big gripe.. the architecture is overal pretty blocky and bland. There's a few nice touches (such as the doorways or portals, which have nice curves), but the main area's are left with a very monotone use of textures, blocky shapes and sometimes odd transitions. It looks a lot like good old Wolf3D, but I think it would work better if a map would either a) be entirely like a wolf3d map (and thusly very flat indeed) - or - b)  more dynamic and detailed, like RTCW stuff, for instance.

I'm sorry there's so many bullets in the above list.. no offense, keep at it and give us more of those 800x600 screenies! :]

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: scalliano on 2004-10-18, 22:07
I agree about the suit of armor. It looks more like a medieval executioner than a knight. Overall the map is starting to look a lot better, though.

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: FluSyndrome on 2004-10-18, 22:39
Thanks Tabun!  I am pleased to see such a detailed assessment, at least you didn't say  "It sucks, give it up" :=)

Clipping: I'm not sure how most of the players (not generations but ALL players) play, but I'm a wall hugger, there is nothing more annoying to me that try going somewhere hugging a wall and be stopped by some type of pure  detail or decorative structure, that is why iI clipped most of the protruding arches that really mean nothing other than to break the monotony of the long wall.. The columns quite frankly was an oversight, I can clip it if it's annoying, no problem.

The "RA" room is an "RA" room cause I really didn't know what to put in there, I just got the map out with temporary items to malke it playable until you guys help me decide where the stuff belongs, just like the tele room or the beserk room, I know what I'm gonna do in pkarena, but in here I really need help with placement.

Door frames: Uhmmmm  I thought those textures belong there, no?  Does it go with the black in the middle? I wasnt sure, if it does, better, that way I can get rid of extra brushes.

The lift- Wolf didn't have lifts, so I didn't know what would go well, and I really really like yer textures (no arse kissing, I really do :-)  but if you have another suggestion of a texture, lemme know. I thought a jump pad would really be tacky in this map.

The area around the megahealth is already changed for the next beta, I didn't like it either. I do like it in the "outside pillar area" . Wolfenstein had similar columns in most of their levels.

The big nazi banner movement- I gotta check that!  It is the same exact texture and shader as all the other banners, why would it do that?

Pillars, where are your models? I really haven't seen any links- Although they need to be a certain height. But don't pay like a lot of attention to the pillars, you'll hardly notice them during play, and they do look a LOT better than the original woflf's  :-) (more on that later)

The knights- Uhmmm I have googled it to death as well as check out some of the biggest modeling places I have bookmarked and that was the absolutelu ONLY thing resembling a knight, and there are knights galore in wolfenstein maps. I WANT A KNIGHT, please make me one hehh.

The bridges and outside area-  I really don't know what to do to separate the architecture without having assamite telling me I have destroyed the character of the map on this map too :-)  I gotta thihk about it, but it is really a bad thing when I'm left to thinking hehh. The bridges were the FIRST brushes I made and built the map on that concept, I also thought of doing something to them to make them more  "solid" but is kinda hard  without a tech look., gotta think about that one too. (it's on my to do list :-)

The BIG gripe-  Oh boy, this is where we differ a bit- you don't really think is blocky cause I can't curve right? :-)   I made it like that on purpose and I did add a few curves to break the monotony cause it was killing me. I have spent the last three days playing the REAL wolfenstein and I really tried to capture that style, but  given the nice Q3 engine, I thought it was a sin not to have some verticality in the map, a flat map  just  gets old real fast.

Just to understand better where I'm coming from, the real wolfenstein, including the doom wolf levels have not even one brush resembling a curve, is all blocks and blocks, with a very low ceiling (except grosse), they have the same block textures in lots of different colors and many times use 4 or 5 different in one map,  for example you go along the white block corridor and  face the red textures as they border a door entrance, notice that is just like I have it too.

I set out to make a wolfenstein level, I definitely can change it a bit, but making like the new RTWC is just not what I would like, I didn't really like that new game and It would end up being a royal mess of styles, but please keep coming with suggestions and maybe we can all reach a compromise :-)

Are these the pillars you were talking about?, they look damned cool, but I couldnt download,  did not find the link ?
http://www.tabun.nl/3d_art_view.php?view=o...o_tabpillar.txt (http://www.tabun.nl/3d_art_view.php?view=o_mo_tabpillar.txt)

Lava:  Would slime look better?

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: scalliano on 2004-10-18, 22:53
Personally I don't think an RTCW style would be the way to go for this map. True, visually it's nothing to shout about, but neither is mykdoom2. My only gripe visually, apart from the knights, is the sky colour. I'm not too sure that red is right for this map - it IS Earth, remember.

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: Tekhead on 2004-10-18, 23:00
So far, the level looks like it has some potential.

Perhaps if there was an invuln spawn on the lowest platform over the lava and a quad instead of that RA, TDM is a serious option. I like it.

There are a few odd textures like the green marble columns and the doom door for a rising platform, but all-in-all the textures share a consistent theme, which I appreciate. The biggest gripe I have is the lighting, and how it leaves big spots on the floors and celings. Even in wolf3d, there were sprites of celing lamps - if you added some where appropriate (along with perhaps electric runways), the map would look even better.

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: FluSyndrome on 2004-10-19, 03:59
BUAHAHAHAHA  Lookit what I found!
http://www.doomworld.com/wolfendoom/index2.html (http://www.doomworld.com/wolfendoom/index2.html)

Scaliano- Sometimes they did use a red sky that was not like the one I used, but like a burning skyline type of thing, but just to please another customer, it has been changed to regular blue sky :--)

Did someone mention a Quad?  I was hoping someone did! hehhh. That is a PERFECT Quad room, no one really would camp there cause I'm gonna remove the health and I'll make the quad 2 minutes respawn. The red armour will be relocated to the spooky courtyard (my favorite room in the map :-) and the brserk with the tele in the other spooky room.

The green columns- They may be changed if Tabuns pillars work out, if not I can assure you they did have marble textures in the real wolfenstein, just so pixelated you might have not recognized them. The platform I'm working on, I'll miss those textures, I thought I might sneak'em by but you guys are just too quick for me hehh

Lighting- It is the absolute last thing I do on a map, I am aware of the spots,  I may be able to fix certain things, I have not been able to find any lamp models I like yet, It is fustrating that they have all kinds of models in the internet, except a friggin knight, a wooden friggin barrel or a simple 2 poly lamp GRRRRRRR.

I am rearranging the fragile bridges so that Tabun doesnt break them and fall off :-), then  we'll have to reassess what powerups belong there.

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: Tabun on 2004-10-19, 13:31
Thanks Tabun!  I am pleased to see such a detailed assessment, at least you didn't say  "It sucks, give it up" :=)

You will never ever hear me say that -- well, I might state that something sucks, but giving up is never the answer. :]

Clipping: I'm not sure how most of the players (not generations but ALL players) play, but I'm a wall hugger, there is nothing more annoying to me that try going somewhere hugging a wall and be stopped by some type of pure  detail or decorative structure, that is why iI clipped most of the protruding arches that really mean nothing other than to break the monotony of the long wall.. The columns quite frankly was an oversight, I can clip it if it's annoying, no problem.

Not really annoying,  just inconsistant. Take the yellow armor spawn for instance, which is in a spot that you can't reach anywhere else in the map ;] - no biggie I guess.

The "RA" room is an "RA" room cause I really didn't know what to put in there, I just got the map out with temporary items to malke it playable until you guys help me decide where the stuff belongs, just like the tele room or the beserk room, I know what I'm gonna do in pkarena, but in here I really need help with placement.

Frankly, I wouldn't know what could be in there. It looks like it should house something important, but it shouldn't be anything worth camping over.. tough call :]

Door frames: Uhmmmm  I thought those textures belong there, no?  Does it go with the black in the middle? I wasnt sure, if it does, better, that way I can get rid of extra brushes.

The lift- Wolf didn't have lifts, so I didn't know what would go well, and I really really like yer textures (no arse kissing, I really do :-)  but if you have another suggestion of a texture, lemme know. I thought a jump pad would really be tacky in this map.

The area around the megahealth is already changed for the next beta, I didn't like it either. I do like it in the "outside pillar area" . Wolfenstein had similar columns in most of their levels.

I think there's a door slide side too, but I might have omitted that, back in the day. But any black or dark rail-slide texture would work there. I believe Q3 has plenty of those.
I'm not sure I like the entire platform/lift thing, maybe a staircase instead? /me ducks flailing fists :] -- anyway, I think Q3 has some plat textures, they'd work..
The white/metallic textures do work OK in the LSoV area, indeed.

The big nazi banner movement- I gotta check that!  It is the same exact texture and shader as all the other banners, why would it do that?

I have no idea. Only the scale seems to differ..

Pillars, where are your models? I really haven't seen any links- Although they need to be a certain height. But don't pay like a lot of attention to the pillars, you'll hardly notice them during play, and they do look a LOT better than the original woflf's  :-) (more on that later)

http://www.tabun.nl/3d_art_view.php?view=o...o_tabpillar.txt (http://www.tabun.nl/3d_art_view.php?view=o_mo_tabpillar.txt)
(no download there, I know)

The knights- Uhmmm I have googled it to death as well as check out some of the biggest modeling places I have bookmarked and that was the absolutelu ONLY thing resembling a knight, and there are knights galore in wolfenstein maps. I WANT A KNIGHT, please make me one hehh.

Aren't RTCW mapmodels compatible with Q3? Same engine and all.. I'm pretty sure there were quite decent suits of armor in that game, and perhaps a few more from the community aswell - but then again, I haven't googled it to death myself :]

The bridges and outside area-  I really don't know what to do to separate the architecture without having assamite telling me I have destroyed the character of the map on this map too :-)  I gotta thihk about it, but it is really a bad thing when I'm left to thinking hehh. The bridges were the FIRST brushes I made and built the map on that concept, I also thought of doing something to them to make them more  "solid" but is kinda hard  without a tech look., gotta think about that one too. (it's on my to do list :-)

Some support pillars or girders would help, I think.

The BIG gripe-  Oh boy, this is where we differ a bit- you don't really think is blocky cause I can't curve right? :-)   I made it like that on purpose and I did add a few curves to break the monotony cause it was killing me. I have spent the last three days playing the REAL wolfenstein and I really tried to capture that style, but  given the nice Q3 engine, I thought it was a sin not to have some verticality in the map, a flat map  just  gets old real fast.

Ofcourse I don't think that, I even made mention of your curved portals. In fact, I believe a perfectly detailed & aesthetically pleasing map can be made without any curves whatsoever. A totally new level of detail can even be achieved without affecting the shape of anything, but just dividing walls into sections to allow for more textures (such as a can be see in this picture (http://www.dailyrush.dk/associated/feature/49/annoyance/ss2.jpg) - this gives the room a way more pleasing look, without affecting 'blocky-structure'  at all).
Perhaps this is really a matter of personal preference, because I don't think keeping a map flat (for a change, because very few are) would make it boring per se. Anyway, you know I'm the closest thing to an 'art director' Wirehead has, so this is more about aesthetics than anything else.

Just to understand better where I'm coming from, the real wolfenstein, including the doom wolf levels have not even one brush resembling a curve, is all blocks and blocks, with a very low ceiling (except grosse), they have the same block textures in lots of different colors and many times use 4 or 5 different in one map,  for example you go along the white block corridor and  face the red textures as they border a door entrance, notice that is just like I have it too.

I do know Wolf3D. The thing is, I don't think Apogee/ID would have made the structures like that, if they could do it otherwise. As long as it has the same overall feel as any Wolf3D environtment, it works. If you want to go all the way, which would be fun (again, for a change) too, I'd love to see a map portray a Wolf3D map exactly (including the repetitive use of green ceiling lights, monotonous texture and brush use and an entirely flat map. As long as it wouldn't be too big, that'd be tons of fun.

I set out to make a wolfenstein level, I definitely can change it a bit, but making like the new RTWC is just not what I would like, I didn't really like that new game and It would end up being a royal mess of styles, but please keep coming with suggestions and maybe we can all reach a compromise :-)

Can't help you out here, if help is indeed what you need, since we just don't like the same things here, I fear.
There will come a day when a) I have lots of time on my hands and b) no texturing or modelling will have to be done for Generations. When that day comes, I shall (try to)make a few maps to finally shed light on my thoughts ;]

Are these the pillars you were talking about?, they look damned cool, but I couldnt download,  did not find the link ?

Oops, yes, as I posted above (and I'm too lazy to edit that), they are. I'll see if I can find them again, and get you a download link - if not, just forget I ever brought it up :]

Lava:  Would slime look better?

Maybe it's just my Q3 settings, but it already looks like slime (looks kind of greenish here). Dunno what would work best.. perhaps it's just fine as it is ;]


Edit, perhaps some interesting mapmodels:

http://fps.brainerd.net/mapmodels3.htm (http://fps.brainerd.net/mapmodels3.htm) - goblin gargoyle (long shot).
http://fps.brainerd.net/mapmodels4.htm (http://fps.brainerd.net/mapmodels4.htm) - impaled skeleton.
http://fps.brainerd.net/mapmodels5.htm (http://fps.brainerd.net/mapmodels5.htm) - more skeletons (including the famous cage).

But then again, I assume you've already seen that collection.

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: FluSyndrome on 2004-10-19, 23:47
Thanks!  I will look at those models, the skeleton in a cage I already had in my last beta that I haven't posted :-)  Nice model. I fix the bridge :-)  I may post a screenie later..

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: Tekhead on 2004-10-19, 23:51
Maybe it could be a pirana bath or something to that effect.

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: FluSyndrome on 2004-10-21, 12:12
I haven't been able to work much on the map, real life sucks, but I made item changes, including adding a quad, as Tekhead suggested, NICE. I also made a few structural changes, including the most beautiful bridge in quake arenaland :-). Now I am working on detailing, trying to follow some of Tabun's suggestions, that'll take me a couple days. In the meantime here's the new beta, I haven't found knights yet, the electric ones will be gone in the future :-(

After you unzip this, please feel free to bring down the console and type /map wolfjk  :-)  Notice jk stands for joke. No feedback necessary but do make comments :-)  Tha't's how a REAL wolf3d map would feel in Q3 :=)

genwold-beta8/wolfjk (http://www.flu.stonks.com/genwolf-beta8.zip)

EDIT: I included the wolfjk map in the pk3, in case someone would want  to use  some prefabs.

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: Phoenix on 2004-10-27, 02:42
That'll teach me to read a topic from the beginning.  I loaded wolfjk first, and got a little confused since it didn't look like the screenshots.  Anyway, thoughts on that map.  Wolfish, yes.  Fun?  Maybe with some zombies and monsters. ;)

On to the real map.  I like the look, and the lighting is good.  The blue lava... I found that out the hard way too.  Perhaps if that were made into water and something clever like a bfg placed in the bottom?  Assuming you could get out of the drink, of course.  The solid surface would make it a gamble as to whether or not to go in, seeing that a Slipgater might be down there waiting to discharge on you.

If you do opt to put a BFG on the level remember to include at least one box of BFG ammo somewhere, otherwise Arena can only get one shot from the weapon, while Doom and Strogg benefit from any plasma ammo lying around, and Slipgate can use lightning ammo to replenish his Thunderbolt.

Putting a BFG down in the drink would also give people a better reason to go for the personal teleporter, as that would yield a rather quick way out of the water for a forward-thinking player.  Tab seems to forget that we have people who love to go on berserker rampages or catch people off guard with the LSOV, which alternates randomly with the personal teleporter.  That's reason enough for some people to wander into that room, myself included, although I would question the wisdom of including both in the same place.  There's nothing more frustrating than being chased by a berserked Doomer and then seeing that spinning skull appear after you've almost killed him. :!:

On to a few minor nitpicks.

The textures involving swastikas seem to be haphazard in regards to direction.  Historically the Nazis always had theirs "spinning" counter-clockwise, like in this picture. (http://library.usu.edu/Specol/digitalexhibits/masaryk/images/swastika.jpg)

I agree with Tab on the clipping near the arches.  It feels unnatural not being able to go under them.

The blue ramp area feels a bit awkward.  It feels like it should be stairs instead.

Some of the doors open sideways, and some open upward.  As I recall all Wolf doors opened sideways.  I didn't see any texturing problems with the metal doorways, as those were all the same in Wolf, save for the keyed doors.

The megahealth can be grabbed from the bridge area with a clever rocket jump.  You can actually pick it up from the wrong side of the bars by landing on the ledge.  Backing the item away from the bars slightly or putting a playerclip in front of the ledge should solve that problem.

I found railgun ammo, but couldn't locate a railgun.  I realize item placement is not final, but I figured I'd mention something about that.

I also snagged this from the console after level load:

weapon_nailgun doesn't have a spawn function
weapon_airfist doesn't have a spawn function
WARNING: couldn't open music file music/doom/wolfy.wav

I certainly like the way the level is progressing.  It just proves multi-level and Wolf CAN go together, and do so quite well.  Keep up the good work!  :thumb:

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: FluSyndrome on 2004-10-27, 03:17
Thanks Phoenix, I have changed  this level quite a bit in therms of detailing, that BFG idea sounds really interesting!

Doors- My mistake, I had'em all go up and they were protuding through the ceiling and up to the   "fllor" of the upper level, so I HAD to change those offending one to sideways, and I haven't gotten around to the others, I gottta figure out if they CAN open sideways without  being visible or sticking out somewhere, if there is enough clearance I'll make'em go sideways, you were right about original doors in W3D..

The ramp- I thought about stairs, but many people felt  ramps were a good idea, for some reason, I guess from Quake1 players, some people really like ramps (?) but anyways, I have really really detailed that area, I think it looks really nice now.

I can't release a beta right now cause I have lots of detailing that are half finished and look really upward, but I'll release some screenshots a bit later.

PS: I did change the joke map a little too, I'm beggining to really like it now :-)  BTW, the quad is rigged so when someone gets it, one of the walls  of the red bricks in the middle of the level, by the shotgun but on the opposite side of the shotgun, drops and reveals a BFG, it opens the door for 7 seconds, barely enough for the player getting the quad to get there and see it open but can't get there on time (unless you are a friggin bunny jumper GRRRRRR) The thinking is that a player sees someone going for the quad, waits, grabs the BFG and zaps the quad whore :-)  It has proven quite funny when playing with some friends hehh :-)

EDIT: Console warnings, It is a beta so I have a couple painkeep weapons so I can test certain things for the final pk release, such as airfist jumping and stuff. I include music in most levels, only I don't distribute cause It's probably illegal and the files sometimes are up to like 16 Mb. Like the Doom levels I have'em with original music, and wolfy.wav to me is the  Pirates of the Caribbean song :-)  If you put any song you choose in music/doom and name it wolfy.wav  it'll play it. If anyone sees a reason to remove the music from the level lemme know, if I do, there is no way to play it with music tho.

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: FluSyndrome on 2004-10-27, 04:14
Some screenies of the work in progress. Lots of detailing but real life keeps gettting in the way, so I haven't been able to work much on it lately :-(

And YES- Screenies are 800x600 hehhh





Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: Phoenix on 2004-10-27, 04:21
It looks really good with the detailing from the screenshots you've posted.  The ramp area looks so much better!  :thumb:

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: Tekhead on 2004-10-27, 04:25
Indeed - I like the minimalistic usage of trim and I do see a few appropriate lighting fixtures. This map looks like it has some serious visual potential.

I wonder what the gameplay is like? Hmm.

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: ConfusedUs on 2004-10-27, 07:02
damn, that's really starting to look good. ;)

Also, if you used a timed doorway for the BFG, make sure that every class can get to it in time. It's not as important for Earth to get there (because he can get dual gats from multiple shotgun pickups), but make sure that the other four can get there without much hassle

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: FluSyndrome on 2004-10-27, 11:55
The BFG I was talking about is in the wolfjk map which I made reallly as a joke,  but it is quite amusing with real people as it turned out :-) and the secret door  is actually timed so that anybody in the general area can get it EXCEPT the quaded person :-)

The real map is coming along nicely I think, I hope to get a working beta soon.

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: Tekhead on 2004-10-27, 16:50
BFG? I'm a bit skeptical =/

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: Phoenix on 2004-10-27, 20:58
Actually, on the WolfJK map I was able to strafe-jump to it with Earth and get in the door just in time, so basically anyone except maybe Slipgate could make it from the Quad, provided they had a clear shot.  O_o

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: FluSyndrome on 2004-10-28, 00:08
GRRRRRRRRR  I can't straffe jump, I couldnt get there on time even with DOOM :=(

I don't see much of a problem with a BFG on the real level, it's kinda big and has very few wide open spaces with no cover. Of course what do I know, not only do I suck with the BFG but really haven't played the mod that much to find it's usefulness. I don't think I would personally get my ass wet and waste my time going in the pool to get a BFG. Lemme think about this fer awhile.

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: ConfusedUs on 2004-10-28, 02:00
sounds like what you need is a real playtest ;)

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: FluSyndrome on 2004-10-28, 20:14
I am very close to a near finished map beta, I have been working on several sections at t he same time and have like 3 rooms half finished only. Soon I'll have a playable testing beta. I have a pkarena friend skinning me a knight too :-)  I knew if I bother people enuff on both forums someone would make me a knight to shut me up.  :-)

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: FluSyndrome on 2004-10-30, 02:32
OK I got a working beta, it is structurally complete minus a few detail brushes that I am working on.  Before you play it, READ THIS-  

- The trees in the BFG lake  are NOT clipped yet.
- I know about the blue/yellow nazi signs, I have to rotate them to make'em look right.
- I shall lower the quad respawn time, I forget if I put it at 3 or 4 minutes but it seems like a looooong time.
- I removed the teleporter from the berserk room and wanna add it somewhere else, any ideas? maybe under the stairs on the red brick room?
- I will fix the area with the electric chair, I will make it a bit bigger, it will NOT affect gameplay at all cause is purely for eye candy, it wuill be clipped off to players.
- The knight by the megahealth is NOT skinned, someone is working on a similar model, I just wanted to get the dimensions.
- The two "electric" knights will be replaced eventually in the final map by the new knights when ready.
- I will add one BFG ammo as suggested earlier.
- Lighting is not finished at all, it is lighted to be able to play it, so don't mind it too much yet.

OK go on and play now :-)

Ahhh one more thing, I think I have a railgun slug ammo somewhere, although there is no railgun, I thought I read that I should do that cause it was ammo for something else for one of the classes, no? Did I err?  Which brings me to the next question, the pkarena version will have a railgun, Is a railgun too much for this level for gen? I left it out cause I know you guys don't like crowded levels :-)  This railgun will be hidden in the blue ramp, on top of the shotgun, in a room behind the flag, that you gotta rocketjump to (the flag will be not clipped, players will be able to go thru)  Hey what can I say, us painkeepers are weird, just wanted to know if you guys think is a good idea for gen.

Here's the beta:
genwolf-beta33.zip (http://www.flu.stonks.com/genwolf-beta33.zip)

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: ConfusedUs on 2004-10-30, 02:51
The railgun is generally a good thing in Gen, because Strogg is weak without it.

It's only bad in maps with LOTS and LOTS of wide, open spaces with no cover.

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: Tekhead on 2004-10-30, 03:17
...such as the map being presented.

However, I feel that the BFG would be a lot worse. I can see the railgun fitting in on this map if it was restricted by making its respawn time 30 or 60 seconds with perhaps one ammo pickup for it, and if it replaced the BFG.

I like the swapout of the Medkit with the RA. I think it fits the area's theme well.

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: FluSyndrome on 2004-10-30, 03:26
BTW the BFG respawn is set at 2 mins.

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: Phoenix on 2004-10-30, 03:54
Tek, I think you just don't like BFG's. :(

Big maps with lots of room to run around like this one benefit from a BFG.  If it were a small tourney map we were talking about then I'd say it would be a bad idea.  Putting a BFG in a high-risk area (like water), combined with the sheer size of the map helps to offset its destructive power.  That 2 minute respawn will certainly cut down on any concerns of spamming or camping the BFG.  Camping in water is suicide anyway.

On the other hand, the BFG gives anyone who picks it up a chance to knock out whoever is item running the map and tanking up on health and armor.  Personally I like seeing the "indestructible" players get fragged by the "other guy" once in a while, myself included.  :thumb:

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: Tekhead on 2004-10-30, 06:59
Well, I find the BFG the most enjoyable in tight (not small) maps where its tactic of fire-and-forget becomes minimally effective... which is another reason of why I didn't like Vesperas.

In other words, I like BFGs in a map where there is a way to avoid and counter them like q2dm8 =p

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: FluSyndrome on 2004-10-31, 18:56
OK, here is the "finished" beta version, I don't think Ill be doing anything else structurally, I've had it creatively and my wife's had it with me :-)  I think it has come out pretty good, I'm satisfied and am having a great deal of fun, I just can't stop playing as earth and lobbing down rockets into the BFG pool, if there is anything funner than that in generations I have missed it cause it's funny as shit..

The only thing holding this map back is the friggin knights, my pksource backed out of the deal, I may have one more shot at it, if not, I'll just not include knights :-(

Here is is:

genwolf-beta.zip (http://www.flu.stonks.com/genwolf-beta.zip)

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: Assamite on 2004-10-31, 23:05
Why not just have Tab make a skin, like he said earlier?

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: Phoenix on 2004-11-01, 03:31
Awesome, I'll check it out.

If the knight just needs skinning I don't know any better pixel prodder than Tabun.  If you need an entire md3 Tab and I can both do models.  Just let us know what you need!

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: FluSyndrome on 2004-11-01, 05:06
thanks! I would rather have a brand new knight about the height of the one in the corridor with the megahealth, that is one ripped from wolf3d that I found on the net and it was unskinned, I really would rather not use a model from another game. I really need something very very simple to simulate the one in the real game, no fancy texturing or nothing, something like this:

But I know it has to be a royal pain in the arse, cause I just downloaded milkshape and I had NO clue, I imported the RTWC model in it and looked like it would take me two forevers to learn that.  But if you guys are up to it and think the level can benefit from that I would really appreciate it :-)

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: Phoenix on 2004-11-08, 06:13
Unless Tabun objects, I'll take a stab at that knight. :)

I finally got a chance to take the time to review the changes to the map.  Good changes overall.  The only real problem I noticed is sometimes it's hard to get out of the water.  I was thinking of slightly deeper water to pose more of a "swimming" risk but the shallow moat with the "semi-neglected" look works out nicely.  I think the surface might need to be raised by half a stairheight, or if that does not work perhaps the ground near the stairs raised slightly or clipped to allow bottom-stepping for an easier exit.  Right now you have to "swim up" in order to clip the stairs enough to get out.

The railgun slugs in the shotgun room are useless for Strogg, Arena, and Earth.  Doom and Slipgate get bullets and nails, respectively, but those other three need a railgun weapon to utilize slug ammo.  I think a way to make those useful and also better balance out the BFG spawn would be to teamchain the BFG with a railgun so they alternate, like in Tokay's Towers, and set the respawn timer at 30 seconds.  That would give each weapon some play.  The long halls and tight turns can actually make railing tricky since you don't know where people are going to come from, and I don't see it really overbalancing the map if teamchained.  Going in the drink is quite dangerous as it is, which is good.

I don't know what you've done, if anything, for controlling bot behavior.  I did throw some random bots in for testing and I noticed they all congregate in the water and don't tend to roam anywhere outside of there.

I like the addition of the lamps and other asthetic tweaks.  It really rounds out the map.  The fog in the cellar with the barrels makes it feel more "dungeon-ish".  Good call on moving the Personal Teleporter spawn, and the electric chair in the Medkit room was a nice touch.  The respawn timers on the Quad and Invis seem fine.  I did notice that it's easy to maneuver around and behind the trees in the water, and also the lamp posts in the big shotgun room.  I'm not sure if I like the flat playerclips around the trees in the recessed archways, and the playerclips in front of the short arches still feel unnatural.  If the goal is to keep people out from behind the trees I'd move the clipping plane back to about halfway through the tree so the collision feels a bit more natural.  Sometimes it may be of some (arguable) benefit to duck behind one of those trees and crouch momentarily if low on health to escape a passing player, and anyone foolish enough to camp and try taking potshots from behind them makes for a nice juicy rocket "freebie".  This is just my personal opinion.  I tend to be the kind of player that likes to be able to run just about anywhere on a map that looks accessible.

That's all the critique I have for now, I'm really liking this map so far.  I've got some Gen-related work I need to get done over the next week or so, and I'll try to see about getting to work on a knight model for you.

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: FluSyndrome on 2004-11-08, 06:44
I noticed the "swim up" effort to get to the stairs, I tried making the water deeper, the stairs are 16 units high each but they are clipped so it's actually 8 units height, and STILL have to swim up, unless someone knows a trick to easily access the first few steps under water, I won't be able to fix that, not that is a big deal in my opinion, but it bugs me.

I can make the water deeper a little so you don't have to crouch to discharge the lightning gun.

Alternating the BFG and railgun is a really bright idea I think, but I don't know how to do that. I'll ask my pk mapping guru, I'm sure he'll know and I'll get to it.

I haven't notice the bots to be very stupid, I have botclipped certain areas but they roam the map pretty well, matter of fact I have camped the bridge with the earth mortar (my favorite new toy) waiting for them to lobe the rockets on their head and they don't come all that often, I spawn the bots on nightmare mode only tho (skill 5).

I will unclip under the arches, no problem.

The electric chair is pretty cool, too bad generations (or vanilla q3) doesnt support shooter_lighning :-)  I  have a  different painkeep version and have a can of beans (similar to a megahealth powerup) in front of it, which triggers a several shooter lightnings from the chair to target the player that pickes it up and a trigger brush around it also and it's a really cool trap :-)


I tried the pk version in generations and it  triggers the shooter and you can hear the zapping noise but nothing happens.

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: Phoenix on 2004-11-08, 19:43
Actually Gen has shooters for every single weapon in the game (except melee weapons), and the shooter_lightning SHOULD work.  I know it does in the test maps.  They can do some pretty amazing things too, like targetting players, time delays, and a host of other neat stuff.  We even have Q2-style lasers with four colors to choose from.

Let me get a roughed-out version of the SDK over to you, including a few sample maps, one of which shows off every shooter we've got.

Edit:  I've sent you a PM with a link to the file.  If you don't have popup windows enabled for our site check the top of the page, you should see "1 new message".  Click that and it'll take you to your Inbox.  :thumb:

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: FluSyndrome on 2004-11-09, 01:29
Cool, I've looked at the map and the only difference I can see is a fireduration parameter that I don't have in the pk version. I'll work on it sometime today  and see I can get it working, I may use it to target the skeleton in the chair, not the player. In pk I have it set to target enemy, but we have a lot more health lying around the level than you guys :-)

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: FluSyndrome on 2004-11-09, 03:50
Yup, fireduration=1 made the difference, it works now :-)

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: lord_malchia on 2004-11-09, 05:13
Quote from: Phoenix
Let me get a roughed-out version of the SDK over to you, including a few sample maps, one of which shows off every shooter we've got.
Would you mind giving me a link to this file as well, or is it a selective type thing? Such would certainly help out my own personal progress if you could.

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: Phoenix on 2004-11-09, 05:29
Sure thing.  I've sent you a PM with the link.  The only reason I'm not posting it publicly is the file is in a temporary location.  It'll be available from Fileplanet, etc, once it's completed and in a format better than plaintext.

Flu:  Hmm...  I'll double-check my code, lightning is supposed to default to a minimum fireduration if none is explicitly specified by the mapper.  Glad it's working with the proper keypair though!

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: FluSyndrome on 2004-11-09, 06:01
If you wanna see what I mean you may d/l our pk version at http://www.flu.stonks.com/wolf3dpk-beta.zip (http://www.flu.stonks.com/wolf3dpk-beta.zip)   and run it at generations,  step close to the gate to the chair and you'll hear the zapping sound with no effect. The only thing I did differently in my gen test map was add that fireduration=1 and it worked.

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: ConfusedUs on 2004-11-09, 06:04
hey flu, post a link to the newest working version, would you?

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: FluSyndrome on 2004-11-09, 11:30
So far is the same as my previous post  ( genwolf-beta.zip (http://www.flu.stonks.com/genwolf-beta.zip)  ) but I have done a few things to it since and will be done some more today, I'll post  after I finish sometime late today or tomorrow.

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: Makou on 2004-11-09, 17:25
Although I haven't yet tried this map out (any version), I must compliment you on one thing, Flu: I don't think I've ever seen someone work this hard to please the people making the mod that he's doing a map for.

Kudos to you for your cooperation and hard work! :thumb:

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: FluSyndrome on 2004-11-10, 01:03
Thanks!, actually I'm only doing it cause  usually I already made the map any which way I like for painkeep arena, and I really knew next to nothing in generations mapping, but since the theme is related, I thought you guys may like'em too so I try to make a generations version too but I need LOTS of help for that.

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: Phoenix on 2004-11-10, 10:30
I for one am grateful for the effort. <3

The map is excellent so far, I'm quite pleased with it and I'm more than happy to offer help in kind.  I've started work on that knight model.  It'll take me some time to get it finished, I model rather slow but the results are usually well worth the extra attention to detail.  I'm also more accustomed to modeling mechanical things like weapons, but I've worked with player meshes before and I have a good working knowledge of how armor is designed.

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: FluSyndrome on 2004-11-11, 01:45
Good, we are almost at the end. The following is probably the last beta I'm gonna post. I may have forgotten to unclip an arch or two, but the arches in the shotgun room and with the knights are certainly unclipped.

The water is deeper, zapping is easier now  (and great fun)

The railgun and BFG alternate (Awsome idea by phoenix IMO). Since it alternates, I reduced wait time to 1 minute instead of two.

The electric chair is functional now, just for fun, it has no effect on the game at all.

There are knights now, but I rather wait for the ones phoenix is working on.

So go on and d/l and I dare you to find a bug :-)

But WAIT, there's more........   If you act NOW!.......... for the same low price (free :- )  you also get..  WOLFY music. YES, no more console error that can't find wolfy.wav,  BUT be aware that it will only be available for a very short time since it will NOT be included in the final map, because is an original wolf3d spear of destiny song, so enjoy it now and you'll be able to listen to it later in the final map if you extract it from the pk3 to the baseq3 folder.  I will also not include it in the final map cause its way too large at 5 Mb

wolf3dgen-beta (http://www.flu.stonks.com/wolf3dgen-beta.zip)

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: Phoenix on 2004-11-13, 00:35
I've got the knight's axe modeled.  Here's a preview.

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: FluSyndrome on 2004-11-13, 01:48
Awsome! I wish I could model, that's pretty cool and just like the original it seems.

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: games keeper on 2004-11-13, 12:24
ya know , if you could make 1 of those axes swing or let it look like it drops out of a knight his hands , you might have a new kind of shooter .

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: Phoenix on 2004-11-13, 19:59
Not likely to happen.  -_-

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: Tekhead on 2004-11-14, 18:25
Ahhh... I like the idea of the alternating super weapons =]

Good choice.

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: Tekhead on 2004-11-19, 04:00
Hate to double-post, but the link to the latest beta seems to be broken.

Anyone else getting this problem too?

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: FluSyndrome on 2004-11-19, 13:09
You might have clicked on the  wrong discontinued one, this is the last one:

wolf3dgen-beta.zip (http://www.flu.stonks.com/wolf3dgen-beta.zip)

It works for me, lemme know if it's OK

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: Tekhead on 2004-11-19, 20:15
That link works good - thanks.

Personally, those blue skulls on the walls just do not look right... I'd replace them with some sort of decorative banister.

I also think that this map should be submitted to mapping forums for more in-depth criticism:

http://www.map-center.com/ (http://www.map-center.com/)
http://www.levelsource.com/ (http://www.levelsource.com/)

Not only will you get sound technical advice from experienced mappers, but it will also help put the spotlight on Generations to the quake community =D

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: FluSyndrome on 2004-11-19, 22:21
You mean MORE  criticism than here? :-)   NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO hehhhhh
If I  was a good mapper that had read the radiant manual at least once, I'd had the balls to do it.

The skulls was not my wild and crazy idea, they ARE almost identical in the original wolf game, I'm just trying to keep the original wolfy spirit alive- Check out this site wolfendoom (http://www.doomworld.com/wolfendoom/index2.html) click on the spear of destiny link and you'll see the same textures in screenshots 2 and 6.

EDIT: Uhmmmm interesting, I went to that levelsource site and one of the moderators (blakjack) is a fellow painkeeper :-)  Maybe I'll submit it there, but that'll just delay the map I think. Lemme talk to the guy..

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: Phoenix on 2004-11-22, 09:27
Ack, still have to look at the near-final version myself.  In other news, I've not forgotten about that knight.  I am actually about 50% along with the roughing out of the knight's body so far.  I have the helmet and the torso done, I need to do the legs and arms and then clean up the mesh.  The shield should be fairly easy.

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: McDeth on 2004-11-30, 07:17
I reloaded GenArena just to play your map Flu. It is very impressive. About time someone made a good Earth oriented map. GG.

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: FluSyndrome on 2004-11-30, 13:12
Well thank you, it is close to finished, hope  we can throw a Wolfy home frag party when its done and you can join us!  :=)   :)

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: ReBoOt on 2004-11-30, 23:32
Sorry for not giving u any feedback flue! been very... "off" lately but now im "finaly" downloading your map which of course is a pain with my damn !"#%&?/#? 56k modem.. O_o but i guess it's worth the wait :) anyhow i'll give u some feedback once i test this!

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: ReBoOt on 2004-12-01, 00:52
Right i've been playing your map abit and i found some issues, tho at the momment i can't upload those screenshots anyware..i'll see if there is a way for me to get em to you.

first impressions: Layout is good maybe it is a bit flat but that what a wolf map should be! it  do have a somewhat lack of details the textures repeat quite often but once again to make a classic wolf map they just.. "feel" right! some areas in this map i just love :) especially the hitler quad..hehe :)

anyways you know the "swatsika" (damn i can't spell it right) ceiling you have used a curve and next to the curve brush i noticed you used standard brushes some of these are clipped wrong i can see an edge on four of these. i recommend instead of clipping brushes skew them! use the brush editing tool (E key)

and since we are in that room i also sometimes get sparklies on those pillars (green/blue texture)  have you run the brush clean up tool?  i suggest you just remake those pillars since it's quite easy.

Your r_speeds are quite ok and im gonna go in on something that in this case aint important at all but could be nice to know eh?
Your doors doesnt block visibility at all, yes a normal door doesnt do this but there is this nifty little thing called Area portal! you'll find it under the common textures  if you place a small brush painted with this texture in a correct way the door should now block vis once it's closed..
However to get this to work right aint that easy as it sounds some serious reading in the radiant manual is required and a bit of luck :)

Now you don't have to bother about this since your r_speeds are low! but just a thought since you do have many doors on this map :)

Next thing: may i ask how you make your end caps?
For me it looks like you are using two square cylinder brushes to create one arch way?  There is a good thing about square cylinders and that is that they never "crack" but getting those textures lined up in a proper way is usually a pain and i've noticed several places where your textures are mis aligned.

Maybe you should try to create either: two bevel brushes and using a simple patch mesh as an "cap" or use one end cap curve brush + simple patch mesh?

if you get cracks with those you could, instead of using two square (if you are doing that) cylinders just use one.

Also before you realease this map i suggest you should try to play it online with some ppls! that's the best way to find out if the item placment is good enough!

I also whould like to know which options you use with q3map2 :)
Now i think i've talked here enough hehe so keep up the good work man!!! your insane mapping speed is incredible! you impress me! :)


Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: FluSyndrome on 2004-12-01, 01:44
Reboot you seem to be a REAL mapper who has RTFM :-)  So lemme see if I can attempt to answer in an intelligent way hehhh:

I'm not sure what you mean by "clipped wrong" but I'll revise the area and see what sparklies (I hate those mothers) I can fix. I really haven't noticed any that I hadn't fix, I'll revise the columns too and make'em again or just make'em a cylinder and no more sparklies. I use the skew tool quite a lot, which doesn't necessarily mean I use it well, so I'll double check them areas.

Areaportals- I don't use'em anymore cause they PISS ME OFF, I make them the size of the hole and 1 unit thick and invariably, if you enter the room slow enuff or at a certain angle, you'll get HOM or a similar annoying visual artifact when you hit the brush, but you are right, I didn't use'em at all, and I did not worry much cause I wasnt getting any real bad performance areas.

Archways- You are right again, they are made of two square cylinders, and I can't get the darn textures to align no matter how hard I try inverting, using mirror textures, using the surface editor at .0005 for micrometric movement :-) rotating , etc.  I figured no one would notice in game play and only mappers would find it  really annoying hehh. I do NOT know how to work with meshes other than to create terrain like floors, so I am in serious deep trouble there. The obvious easier solution for me would be to try to bend one single long square cylinder in the archway shape, I can give that a try. I didn't want the archways too curvy or pointy cause I am trying to create a visual environment similar to the wolf3d one, I may be able to fix that.

I have played this map on LAN, but the painkeep version, I  really couldnt play this map on line on generations and attempt to assess weapon placement cause I am really not experienced enough in gen to say, we play with a crapload more weapons than that on painkeep so I best leave the placement to you guys :-)

Layout- You are right, the map is a bit flat and the textures are repetitive, but as you realized, it was totally on purpose to try to imitate wolf3d.

Q3map2- I am using the same parameters you told me about, I think is -meta -bouncegrid -bounce 8 -samples 3 -patchshadows  -fast  maybe something more but I think that's it. This particular beta I did it differently cause I was in a hurry to go to work and left it running with the old Q3maptoolz version and had -bounce 3  -filter -super 2 but had no samples

Thanks so much for the feedback, I really appreciate it.

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: ReBoOt on 2004-12-01, 02:48
Im gonna try to get u those screens..it's easier to explain then. I'll see what i can do about that..

And sparklies is teh evil... i hate them O_o btw  those pillars aint "splitted" in anyway? they are just in one piece? are they detailed?

Come to think about it i had a problem when i created that large pillar in my q2dm5 remake.
I got this tiny almost invisible line between each face...it's like they where clipped in a strange way but it was only one brush!!
But instead of just using one brush i used several and..poof the problem was gone..i still don't know what caused this

Well If you don't want those archways to be to curvy why not use standard brushes? then u don't have to worry about misaligned textures? :) man i sometimes wonder what ID thought about when they did the "curves".... the problem with square cylinders is that if you want something to aligned properly you have to for eg. use "natural" inside the "bevel" part or else it will look strange, and use "cap" for the sides.

You can only do one thing on square cylinders and that sucks..that's why i never use them unless i have to. simple patch mesh is your friend..mostly until you get a curve crack

To be honest making a map to gen is a bitch..it is hard to balance it for each class.. and even if you think you got it right some class will always have an advantage over another...and then pho comes with a code change.. :P J/K

heh i wonder if it has gone too far if you starts to notice the diffrence between -super 2 and -samples  oh well :)

Well feedback is for me very important , well "good" feedback that is if someone just says: this and that sucks doesnt help much O_o i hope i gave you a some what good feedback!
I do want to play good and fun maps too, which i do think this map will be!
 Also im amazed you can make these maps so quick :)

*Edit man do i use way to many smileys or what? scary....*

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: FluSyndrome on 2004-12-01, 05:13
The columns are not splitted, thay are one solid brush but they are like 12 sided, so it may cause some cracks at the seams, what is weird is the other columns in the  spooky courtyard are the same exact ones that i copied and resized, and those dont have any problems, but i'll make them probably cylinders, I shouldve done it at first anyways. The columns are detailed by the way.

Well, the one bent square cylinder didn't work, cuse the middle doesnt align with the sides anyways, so I may just use regular brushes, I done it before when I didnt know curves, so it shouldnt be too hard.

I map fast sometimes, the faster I go, the crappier it gets :-),  I can map fast when I have focus and a pre-planned layout, sometimes I loose my "vision" and may be 2 days on just one room. That one map came to me pretty fast, I knew what I wanted to do, a flat wolfy level with just enough vertical and multilevels to make it not so boring. I wanted some stairs too and at least a ramp (quake 1 habit, people seem to enjoy fragging in ramps). So I pretty much did it fast. The one room that took me forever is the one with the fog and the invis, Tekhead had mentioned something about an invis on the lower level and I just HAD to do that cause I really liked the idea,  but I had no plan, I must've made 20 different rooms before I ended up with that.

Mapping is your neuron's enemy, destroys brain cells at a fast rate :-)

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: FluSyndrome on 2004-12-02, 04:09
Uhmmm  as much as I try I can't see any sparklies at all anywhere on the map, I had'em a lot but I had fixed them, I can't seem to see thru any of the columns either at any seams, what settings do you play at reboot? and what videocard do you have? I'm gonna upload the map to my daughters computer to see if I can see them in there with an old geforce II  MMX card.

I fixed the textures in the arches, it just didnt look right made out of a single square cylinder or regular brushes, now they look F-I-N-E :-) It was a little easier with GtkRadiant than I thought, I never use it, I like Radiant build 2.02 better, but I use Gtk sometimes to run Bob's tools etc.

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: ReBoOt on 2004-12-02, 22:38
Well they are quite hard to see so you don't really have to worry about it that much.
U can see them if you just move your mouse slightly it's like it is a very tiny edge. i use maximum settings on everything and im running att 800*600 rezz.  my puter is: amd 2500+ gf4  4500 512mb ram ah hell u got a e-mail or something? i send you the screenshot if u like?

well i love the old version of gtk radiant 1.2.12 works best! i hate the new gkt radiant series...

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: FluSyndrome on 2004-12-02, 23:32
I guess you can use the email on my profile, or my real one, oliv334@bellsouth.net  thanks!

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: ReBoOt on 2004-12-03, 00:24
i've sent a e-mail to you with that screenshot!

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: Phoenix on 2004-12-03, 11:06
Maybe now that I'm (hopefully) done tinkering inside my case I can get back to work on all of this. :wall:

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: Phoenix on 2004-12-06, 11:48
Got a chance to check out the latest version of the map.  It appears one of the lightning shooters is targetting the other lightning shooter.  The left lightning shooter fires horizontally to the right lightning shooter, and the right lightning shooter targets the the electric chair.  I did not know if that was intentional or not.  It plays the muzzleflash sound twice a second as well.  You might want to tinker with the keypairs, maybe make it a silenced shooter.  It'll still make the lightning hum.

Haven't worked too much on the knight, but I fixed some problems on the helmet, so that's some progress anyway.  Will work on the arms and legs this afternoon.

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: FluSyndrome on 2004-12-06, 13:11
I'll tinker with the shooter, although it seems to have its own mind and pays no attention to what I want it to do. I rather keep the sound, it's kind of a clue as to where a player is, just like picking up armor and stuff, plus I would have no idea how to shut it up :-)

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: Tekhead on 2004-12-06, 14:57
..what? Shooters?

Why? :<

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: Phoenix on 2004-12-06, 17:59
Eye candy only, Tek.

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: Tekhead on 2004-12-06, 19:56
Oh... ok.

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: Phoenix on 2004-12-30, 06:13
I have not forgotten about the knights Flu, I've just been tied up with some other things, some of that is finalizing .99f and some bug fixes.  Again, sorry for the delay, but I wanted to let you know I've not given up on the model.

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: FluSyndrome on 2004-12-30, 18:57
I figured as much, and I don't mind waiting. I'm not quite sure what you guys are doing in the next version of gen, I thought it was finished, it looks to me like a finished project and way better than the previous versions. I can't think of a thing to fix, but knock yerselves out in the way to perfection :-)

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: Tabun on 2004-12-30, 19:00
If you hadn't noticed, none of the viewport weapons move a whole lot. Most notably, hand grenades appear from nowhere, and knives and axes don't swing -- one of the major things Gen lacks artwise at the moment, is viewport weapon animation.
Then there's tons of coding to do, tweaking balance, adding features, detecting and fixing bugs, new menu's and huds...

Generations a finished product? You must be getting used to Microsoft standards when it comes to 'a finished product' :]

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: scalliano on 2004-12-30, 19:49
The only truly finished MS product is DOS. Don't lower yourself to their standards.

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: shambler on 2004-12-30, 21:03
Is it just me or does anyone else think that the angle of the viewpoint weapons on slipgate is a bit off? They don't seem to be pointing forwards exactly, but a bit upwards.

This is not a critisizum. (not that I could spell it) just something I think is not quite right.

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: FluSyndrome on 2004-12-30, 21:30
I did notice the lack of  movements of some weapons, I just thought it was something that  was beyond fixing due to game engine limitations. The only issue I had and did mention once was that the RL in Q1 (my all time favorite weapon, nostalgia  related mostly) seems to shoot lower than where I want it to go. I think it was Phoenix  who replied that the line of fire is even, but it just gives me that impression. I have played Q1 again to check  for this and I just can't describe it but the GEN version "FEELS" like is pointing downward or something.  But even that is nothing that  bugs me much.

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: shambler on 2004-12-30, 23:16
like this?

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: Phoenix on 2004-12-31, 00:18
Aye, all first-person weapon position issues will be corrected once we get the animations working.  Remember too that old Q1 rocket launcher recoiled visually, which ours does not.  I know ours looks "low", but the original Q1 rocket launcher actually pointed somewhat down and forward in the .mdl file, which is rather ironic.  Our is just level, but looks like it's aimed a bit low owing to the fact that Q1's model was very pointy, whereas ours is a cylinder.

Shambler:  Ouch.  You could have at least grabbed a screeny with the new model.  :surprise:

Title: Re: Wolf Arena beta
Post by: Tekhead on 2004-12-31, 03:43
That's my screenshot!!

*does a happy dance*

You made my evening =D