Title: Turns off any TV... (How to have some serious fun) Post by: Phoenix on 2004-10-20, 22:58 http://www.wired.com/news/culture/0,1284,6...html?tw=rss.TOP (http://www.wired.com/news/culture/0,1284,65392,00.html?tw=rss.TOP)
Quote Altman said people who hear about TV-B-Gone start thinking about other nuisances. Friends have asked for ways to jam cell phones, shut down vehicle subwoofers and kill car alarms. When they come up with a package deal count me in. :thumb: Title: Re: Turns off any TV... Post by: Tekhead on 2004-10-20, 23:32 I don't even have a TV, and I am quite happy :thumb:
This invention could better mankind. Title: Re: Turns off any TV... Post by: scalliano on 2004-10-20, 23:39 I do have a TV and I'm still happy. I live on my own which is the only reason I have one.
Title: Re: Turns off any TV... Post by: Woodsman on 2004-10-21, 00:16 My TV is my friend and brother (secret lover..) ive learned more from the history channel since i got cable than in all my years in history class.
Title: Re: Turns off any TV... Post by: Assamite on 2004-10-21, 04:49 At last, I can finally turn off MTV Jamz or Chris Matthews at any location, from restaurants to airports. Even annoying stereos and car alarms can be turned off, you say? Indeed, this is an advancement in getting people to STFU. :slippy_thumb:
Title: Re: Turns off any TV... Post by: Phoenix on 2004-10-21, 06:28 Quote from: Assamite Even annoying stereos and car alarms can be turned off, you say? Sadly, no, although people have flooded this individual with mail requesting such. This particular gadget only works on televisions.Title: Re: Turns off any TV... Post by: Genialus on 2004-10-21, 08:52 Even if it only works for TVs, I still want one!
Title: Re: Turns off any TV... Post by: shambler on 2004-10-21, 16:18 i HAVE A HOUSE ALARM. i DO NOT WANT BLAGGERS TO BE ABLE TO TURN THAT OFF.
Damn, caps lock was on. Title: Re: Turns off any TV... Post by: Woolie Wool on 2004-10-26, 00:20 Now all we need is one that changes the channel. imagine walking into a bar where people are watching a football game and changing the channel to C-SPAN...
(in case you don't know what C-SPAN is, it broadcasts live footage of the procceedings in the House of Representatives, and fills the time when the House is not in session with bland political commentary. Perfect for mind-sporking a room full of drunken morons) Title: Re: Turns off any TV... Post by: OoBeY on 2004-10-26, 05:26 Uh, yeah, they better not develop a version of that that works on car alarm. The last thing I need is for some shitstain to steal my fucking car after using that device on it.