Title: got ruined? Post by: mecha on 2004-10-21, 07:27 ?01:10:18? ([AUG]f3nriS) i got a joke
?01:10:20? (mecha) ok ?01:10:20? ([AUG]f3nriS) heh ?01:10:22? (l4mby`lappy) o.o ?01:10:24? ([AUG]f3nriS) guy goes to the doctor ?01:10:26? (Dracomancer) oh boy ?01:10:35? (Dracomancer) ...............go on ?01:10:44? (Dracomancer) *listens* ?01:10:50? ([AUG]f3nriS) says "Doctor, I don't know what's wrong with my wife, she's been acting weird.. either she's got Alzheimer's or herpes!" ?01:10:57? ([AUG]f3nriS) doctor says "I know what to do" ?01:11:23? ([AUG]f3nriS) "Take her out into the woods, deep into the woods, kick her out and leave her there... and if she finds her way home, don't spork her!" ?01:11:24? ([AUG]f3nriS) hehehe ?01:11:34? (mecha) hahahaha ?01:11:41? (mecha) fen ?01:11:44? (Dracomancer) oh god ?01:11:44? ([AUG]f3nriS) ya ?01:11:45? * fyre^OS (fyre@user-0ccelne.cable.mindspring.com) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) ?01:11:45? (Dracomancer) he hee ?01:11:50? * fyre^OS (fyre@user-0ccelne.cable.mindspring.com) has joined #wirehead ?01:11:50? * ChanServ sets mode: +v fyre^OS ?01:12:00? (l4mby`lappy) hehe ?01:13:02? ([AUG]f3nriS) that was a pretty good one mech ?01:13:03? ([AUG]f3nriS) heh ?01:13:07? (mecha) hahahahahhaa ?01:13:25? (Dracomancer) where di you get that joke? ?01:13:26? (Dracomancer) thwas great ?01:13:28? (rewired) I've gotta joke. ?01:13:36? (rewired) How do you keep a blond in anticipation? ?01:13:40? (mecha) ? ?01:13:41? ([AUG]f3nriS) it was in this crazy tool we use called a sporking PM dravo ?01:13:48? (mecha) hahahahah ?01:13:50? (mecha) HAHA ?01:14:06? (Dracomancer) ? ?01:14:10? (mecha) rew... the punchline? ?01:14:16? ([AUG]f3nriS) hahahahahhhahhahah i get it ?01:14:20? (mecha) ROFL ?01:14:24? (l4mby`lappy) LOL ?01:14:26? (Dracomancer) go on rewired ?01:14:27? (mecha) that was good ?01:14:30? (mecha) HAHA ?01:14:31? (l4mby`lappy) hahahahahahaha ?01:14:33? ([AUG]f3nriS) HAHAHHAHAHAHAH ?01:14:33? (mecha) HAHAHAHAHA ?01:14:37? * l4mby`lappy falls out of bed laughing ?01:14:38? (mecha) sporking ruined ?01:14:48? ([AUG]f3nriS) hahahhaha oh shit ?01:14:51? (mecha) god damn ?01:14:56? ([AUG]f3nriS) i think i might have just woken up my roommate ?01:14:58? (mecha) rew gets the trophy ?01:15:01? (l4mby`lappy) lol ?01:15:06? * mecha gives rewired a cookie ?01:15:15? ([AUG]f3nriS) hah that was grand ?01:15:16? * l4mby`lappy gives rew a couple of cookies too ?01:15:21? (Dracomancer) OH ?01:15:24? (Dracomancer) god im slow iwth jokes ?01:15:26? (mecha) hahahahahahahahahah ?01:15:27? ([AUG]f3nriS) HAAAAAAAAAAAHAHHAHAHAH ?01:15:28? (Dracomancer) hahahahaha ?01:15:28? (mecha) sporking owned ?01:15:34? (Dracomancer) HAHAHA ?01:15:35? (Dracomancer) good one ?01:15:39? (mecha) hahahahahhaa, stfu now ?01:15:40? (mecha) gg ?01:15:42? ([AUG]f3nriS) ).) ?01:15:49? ([AUG]f3nriS) hahahhaha Title: Re: got ruined? Post by: Tekhead on 2004-10-26, 03:48 Owned =P