Title: Favorite online radio station? Post by: Tekhead on 2004-11-19, 09:05 Let's face it - most mainstream music sucks. However, there is always an alternative as far as music goes, and with the internet it can blossom freely.
http://www.somafm.com/listen/ (http://www.somafm.com/listen/) I like music that moves, grooves, flowing like water from one score to the next. How about the rest of you? Title: Re: Favorite online radio station? Post by: Lordbane2110 on 2004-11-19, 09:13 I like jazz or blues myself
so it's quite hard finding a radio station anywhere that just plays that kind of music :( Title: Re: Favorite online radio station? Post by: Phoenix on 2004-11-19, 18:04 I listen to CD's mostly, since I'm into old-school metal and symphonies, and it's hard to find either, let alone both in the same place!
Title: Re: Favorite online radio station? Post by: Hedhunta on 2004-11-19, 22:46 chronix online radio.. google it, i think its chronix.com .. not sure tho
Title: Re: Favorite online radio station? Post by: Assamite on 2004-11-20, 22:50 WPFW (http://www.wpfw.org/)
It's my local Pacifica station. The only one I listen to in my car. Great jazz, great international stuff, airs DemocracyNow as a bonus. |