Wirehead Studios

General Discussion => Off-Topic => Topic started by: Dr. Jones on 2003-05-17, 20:29

Title: ClanMatch 0wnz j00! (These are the guys who did the interview)
Post by: Dr. Jones on 2003-05-17, 20:29
go idle in #clanmatch on ETG with the rest of us , and tune in to ClanMatch Radio (req. Winamp 2.9x) at http://server1.clanmatch.com:8118/listen.pls (http://server1.clanmatch.com:8118/listen.pls) ... at the least... make sure you catch "ozone" with the seksiest DJ evar, Oblique... most evenings :D

Title: Re: ClanMatch 0wnz j00!
Post by: Tabun on 2003-05-17, 21:14
hmm, seems to work fine with my winamp 2.78 too :)