Wirehead Studios

General Discussion => Off-Topic => Topic started by: Kenny_WHS on 2003-05-19, 07:49

Title: Jersey order! (new jerseys!)
Post by: Kenny_WHS on 2003-05-19, 07:49
Ok E3 ROCKED except I was an Idiot and I think I left my Jersey in the hotel.  Since I consider this to be businesswear for me, (you will not belive the number of people who said "Didn't I see you at Game Developers Conference?", so I need a new one ASAP.  Since we have to order them in batches of 6 or 10, (Warden said 6 I read 10 on the site, but these are reorders so I really don't know yet.)  If you want one please e-mail me the folloing info and, well, money:

2.)Jersey number
3.) non bouncing $80 check made out to "Johannes Robbins"
4.) physical address if I don't know where you live

send the first 2  and #4 to: jrobbins@wireheadstudios.org
and #3 to:

Johannes Robbins
502 35th Ave
San Francisco, CA 94121

The sooner we hit the quota, the sooner you will get your jersey! Thanks!

Title: Re: Jersey order!
Post by: Dicion on 2003-05-19, 17:24
I had a few people a few weeks ago that wanted one, but it wasn't 6.. so It was scrapped. If you want to meet me on IRC sometime, I can see if the parties are still interested.