Title: Tsunami Waves (Went as far as...) Post by: Phoenix on 2005-01-08, 07:07 http://www.local6.com/news/4061439/detail.html (http://www.local6.com/news/4061439/detail.html)
For those who think "It'll never happen here!" Well, it did. Title: Re: Tsunami Waves Post by: Woodsman on 2005-01-08, 07:59 we already have earth quakes and hippies in california we dont need anything else.
Title: Re: Tsunami Waves Post by: Assamite on 2005-01-08, 12:37 And only until it happens here do people start raising a fuss...
Just watch... those Hawaiian volcanoes are building up for a huge eruption... meanwhile, THEY will be receiving many tsunamis from the East AND Cali. Also, PLEASE DONATE (http://www.tzuchi.org/global/). |