Title: Black case...mmmmmm Post by: OoBeY on 2003-05-22, 05:18 Check it out, I painted the case recently but haven't posted pics till now. There is a streak of white in pics 2 and 3, but that's gotta be some freaky flash artifacts or something, since it doesn't exist in real life (see pic 1 for reference). Also, in pic 4, the fans are actually on, the camera is just damn fast :)
http://www.qboolean.netfirms.com/comp.html (http://www.qboolean.netfirms.com/comp.html) EDIT: Stupid netfirms, had to put it in a .html file.... Title: Re: Black case...mmmmmm Post by: dev/null on 2003-05-22, 14:48 Nice... The top looks a little dusty though, you filthy, filthy person :P
Title: Re: Black case...mmmmmm Post by: OoBeY on 2003-05-22, 22:10 Hey, I resent... ok, yeah, so it might be a tad dusty...
Title: Re: Black case...mmmmmm Post by: dev/null on 2003-05-22, 23:56 My case is silver, so I don't really have to worry about dust showing up on it :P