Wirehead Studios

General Discussion => Off-Topic => Topic started by: Phoenix on 2005-01-17, 06:12

Title: Not using Mozilla yet? (Here's some food for thought)
Post by: Phoenix on 2005-01-17, 06:12
On 21 December 2004, several months after discovering one of the flaws, an independent US computer security team called GreyHats Security Group published code showing exactly how to use the flaw to hijack a computer.

Microsoft has yet to release a software fix for any of the problems and US computer security firm Secunia raised its threat assessment for all three flaws to the most severe on Friday....

...A statement posted to GreyHats Security Group's website defends the decision to post the example code online, on the grounds that Microsoft was alerted to the problem in October 2004.

"Think of how irresponsible it was of Microsoft to not patch these vulnerabilities during the several months that they were known," says a statement from GreyHats. "It would have been easy to fix some of the core vulnerabilities."

http://www.newscientist.com/article.ns?id=dn6862 (http://www.newscientist.com/article.ns?id=dn6862)

Title: Re: Not using Mozilla yet?
Post by: Makou on 2005-01-17, 06:38
And my friends here at college wonder why I keep telling them to use Mozilla or Firefox.

Title: Re: Not using Mozilla yet?
Post by: death_stalker on 2005-01-17, 08:30
What the hell is Microsoft thinking!!!!!!!It's simple:problem=fix it.OMG duh-duh-dumb!!!ARRGGG :evil:

Title: Re: Not using Mozilla yet?
Post by: shambler on 2005-01-17, 14:52

http://www.truff.net/modules.php?name=Foru...viewtopic&t=355 (http://www.truff.net/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=355)

Someone who knows about this kind of thing please take a look.........

This seems like a major way of speeding up the browser.