Title: Window's Security Updates (Wow there's a bunch) Post by: death_stalker on 2005-02-09, 17:39 Windows has a huge security update.Anybody running on windows may want to check it out.There's a total of 10(including a new malicious software remover).I wonder just how long these security holes have been there.
Title: Re: Window's Security Updates Post by: Angst on 2005-02-09, 18:52 Quite some time, one particular browser hijack method has been known by microsoft since early to mid october 2k4. MS is relatively slow when it comes to patching holes in their OS; and some of those fixes introduce new bugs--er.. "features." *cough*securitycenter*cough*
Title: Re: Window's Security Updates Post by: Phoenix on 2005-02-09, 19:39 Yeah, and I hear a lot of grumbling in the business sector that every new update makes things run slower. Aren't you glad I work my tailfeathers off to fix bugs in Gen? Imagine how it would play if Microsoft coded it. One saying I've always been fond of is "The Ark was built by an amateur, the Titanic by professionals." :doomed:
Title: Re: Window's Security Updates Post by: games keeper on 2005-02-09, 20:10 if microsoft would have coded gen , it would future animations and they would call it generationsXP .
ofcours after a couple of months they would release SP1 wich will actually make the game playable without crashing , then they will make a generations2003 server edition and let you pay for it again Title: Re: Window's Security Updates Post by: Makou on 2005-02-09, 21:14 :offtopic: Unlike Windows, Generations Arena will get out of its "public beta" status, and it will feature animations, and it won't crash unnecessarily. <3
Back on topic. Thank you so much, Windows Update, for NOT FUNCTIONING PROPERLY and forcing me to load up the actual website to download everything. Title: Re: Window's Security Updates Post by: death_stalker on 2005-02-11, 00:02 LOL...not too many windows lovers out there :D Just thought I'd pass on the news though.
Title: Re: Window's Security Updates Post by: Kain-Xavier on 2005-02-11, 05:46 /me shrugs.
Mine worked just fine, in fact Windows got around to downloading them before I did. :p |