Title: Maiden on your Phone Post by: Phoenix on 2005-02-24, 09:44 Got one of those phones that can play RealTones? Like Iron Maiden? Then here you go:
http://www.emirecords.co.uk/maiden/mobile/...idenmobile1.htm (http://www.emirecords.co.uk/maiden/mobile/maidenmobile1.htm) Now you can Up the Irons anytime someone calls you. Personally I find the concept of hearing "Run to the hills!" when the phone goes off hillarious. ;) Title: Re: Maiden on your Phone Post by: Footman on 2005-02-24, 22:32 Caught Somewhere in Time on my phone... <3
Title: Re: Maiden on your Phone Post by: scalliano on 2005-02-25, 00:16 "Number Of The Beast", anyone?