Wirehead Studios

General Discussion => Off-Topic => Topic started by: Daedalus on 2003-06-08, 16:19

Title: SS2 Coop Game (Team-orientated Shodan ownage)
Post by: Daedalus on 2003-06-08, 16:19
I'm trying to get a team of 3 or 4 together, probably 3 to play System shock 2 Co-op.
Anyone up for it?

Theres 2 spaces available (im playing as well), 4 people might be too many, not enough ammo to go around etc.
However, we could always spawn more ammo if we get desperate. So make it 3 places available. :)

Title: Re: SS2 Coop Game
Post by: Lilazzkicker on 2003-06-08, 17:18
SS2 is **not abandonware**

Bottom line, end of story.

Copyrights are not considered abandoned even if they are no longer enforced, so the software does not enter the public domain just because they are no longer commercially exploited or widely available.

For the record, Jeff Brown (Executive President, Corporate Communications at EA) says:

"We pride ourselves in aggressively protecting our intellectual property rights, and we frequently pursue those who try to distribute our games without permission."

There are no titles in the Electronic Arts library that they consider to be abandonware.

Official word from Irrational: "No, System Shock 2 is not abandonware, please don't warez it"

Consider this the final word from TTLG on the subject of System Shock 2's status. Unless we hear otherwise directly from EA and Irrational, all instances involving the sharing of SS2 will be considered piracy.

Title: Re: SS2 Coop Game
Post by: Daedalus on 2003-06-08, 17:22
Useful piece of info that ^_^

Title: Re: SS2 Coop Game
Post by: Tabun on 2003-06-08, 23:11
I wonder where it came from too - I can't find anything about either warez or abandonware(z) in your topic :]]

Title: Re: SS2 Coop Game
Post by: Tekhead on 2003-06-09, 22:08
At first, I thought you meant by SS2 that you wanted to do a co-op Serious Sam - The Second Encounter. That sounds like fun =D

I've never played more than the System Shock 2 demo though... interesting o_O

Title: Re: SS2 Coop Game
Post by: Daedalus on 2003-06-11, 23:39
On the note of SS2, i just found a cool mod for ss2 which updates all the models to high-detail versions: System Shock Rebirth (http://perso.wanadoo.fr/etienne.aubert/sshock/sshock_rebirth.htm)

Title: Re: SS2 Coop Game
Post by: Phoenix on 2003-06-12, 00:25
I have to agree with Tabun here, I see nothing in Daedelus's post promoting warez.  Lil have you been in too many smoke filled buildings lately? :rolleyes: