Title: Guess who's back ... (The Invisible Bot!) Post by: scalliano on 2005-04-10, 21:41 I've finally sussed out how to make this guy, er, "appear". Here's how:
1. Start a single player game using bot_minplayers and play to the end of the round. 2. When the final score table appears, pause the game using [ESC] and then pull down the console. 3. Type \kick all and press [ENTER]. 4. Now type map xxx where xxx is the name of the map you want and press [ENTER}. 5. Voila! You should now have something like this: Title: Re: Guess who's back ... Post by: Phoenix on 2005-04-11, 03:55 Interesting... I'll look into it. Thanks, that's good reporting! :thumb: