Title: Quakecon '05 (whos going?) Post by: Hedhunta on 2005-04-13, 04:29 Hey guys, was just curious as to who all will be going to Qcon. I'd love to go, and I may be able to (finally).. however, I'd prefer to room with some people so I dont have to take the whole brunt of the cost myself. So if anyone is going, post here and lemme know! maybe we can work something out.
Title: Re: Quakecon '05 Post by: Logic99 on 2005-04-24, 00:22 I'm going, I live in SoCal
Title: Re: Quakecon '05 Post by: Lilazzkicker on 2005-04-24, 06:56 It appears im going, get approval for a weeks vaction and ill be there.