Title: Quake Con (Who is....) Post by: Lilazzkicker on 2003-06-10, 04:57 Who is going this year?
I know I am already registered for it. Title: Re: Quake Con Post by: Woodsman on 2003-06-10, 13:00 im going. already registered and asked my boss for the time off
Title: Re: Quake Con Post by: Dicion on 2003-06-10, 13:58 Yep
Title: Re: Quake Con Post by: Hedhunta on 2003-06-10, 16:52 i was then i realised i had no way of raising the required amount of funds(soemthing like 800 dollars with airfare, hotel, plus shipping, food.. etc)
maybe next year.. argh Title: Re: Quake Con Post by: redx on 2003-06-10, 21:46 im going of course. ill be driving up from austin one day early with oob, and leaving one day late becuase of volunteering. if anyone from austin needs a ride we might be able to work something out. oob, lil, twi, and i will be sharing a room in the adams mark hotel.
Title: Re: Quake Con Post by: dev/null on 2003-06-11, 04:20 I'm not going, but at least I have an excuse this time around, sort of... I'm moving :P
Title: Re: Quake Con Post by: games keeper on 2003-06-11, 19:23 to a bigger trailor ???
Title: Re: Quake Con Post by: Twilight on 2003-06-11, 23:03 owned by gk
:hail: i too will be at qcon thank god my grandpa died so i have the money to go Title: Re: Quake Con Post by: Kenny_WHS on 2003-06-15, 12:20 YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES!
I am just a little excited about going, I just hope Carmack has lifted the restraining order.... :P Title: Re: Quake Con Post by: OoBeY on 2003-06-15, 19:39 Obviously as hinted to in red's reply I'm going, but I figure I might as well physically add myself to this ongoing tally.
Title: Re: Quake Con Post by: dev/null on 2003-06-15, 21:48 Quote from: games keeper to a bigger trailor ??? No, actually the trailor is slightly smaller. But we upgraded from being on five suburban acres to being on thirty forest acres... Asshole :PTitle: Re: Quake Con Post by: games keeper on 2003-06-16, 12:16 well upgrade to a bigger terrain is always good .
bu you could betterhave upgraded to a place where they have internetcable :rolleyes: Title: Re: Quake Con Post by: Tekhead on 2003-06-16, 15:34 I'll try to come this year, but I can't garuntee my presence =[
Title: Re: Quake Con Post by: dev/null on 2003-06-16, 16:47 Quote from: games keeper well upgrade to a bigger terrain is always good . We're going to build off the trailer... Some lumber and nails, bam, instant house :Pbu you could betterhave upgraded to a place where they have internetcable :rolleyes: As for the internet, Time Warner hasn't upgraded their fiber optics out there, so no cable, and we're 1/2 mile too far from the phone station to get DSL. There is wireless in the area, but I'm unsure if we'll be able to take advantage of that since there's quite a few large hills that could bloke the reception :rolleyes: Now get back on topic, poo-poo-head! :thumb: Title: Re: Quake Con Post by: games keeper on 2003-06-16, 19:22 I will work this year in the vacation so I can come next year to quakecon .
against then we can play resurgence in team :) and hen when 1.00 will be out the evil counter-strike will fall and all the other games will be played again. and there will be no mre evil in the world . (atleast a bunch less ) Title: Re: Quake Con Post by: Demonwench on 2003-06-16, 23:49 I will not be going. Far too poor and I don't play anyway. '-) I just grace you boyz wi' my sunny personality.