Title: HAPPY BIRFDAY! Post by: Tekhead on 2003-06-11, 18:56 YAY! I'm 20!!! So, what did you all get me this year? :D
I haven't been here in a long, long time! How are things going? Will v.99c be done in time for QCon? I'm thinking about going this year, but funds are fairly short for me at the moment, so I'm not sure if I can make it. Sadly enough, today is also my last day of finals... and I have to take the hardest one of them all in 3.5 hours :( Wish me luck, hope to catch up with all of you! - Tekhead Title: Re: HAPPY BIRFDAY! Post by: Daedalus on 2003-06-11, 19:24 I wished you happy birthday in the other birthday thread, but here it is again...
Happy birthday Tek! And good luck with your final final ^_^ Title: Re: HAPPY BIRFDAY! Post by: ReBoOt on 2003-06-11, 20:02 happy birthday tekhead
Title: Re: HAPPY BIRFDAY! Post by: Footman on 2003-06-12, 00:26 OMG BIRFDAY.