Wirehead Studios

News => News: Generations Arena => Topic started by: Makou on 2005-05-19, 06:34

Title: Fully Loaded FFA (5-19)
Post by: Makou on 2005-05-19, 06:34
Thursday is here, and that means it's custom gamenight. My appologize about the gametype poll not going up, but we're still going to deliver. If you think ammo pickups are overrated, then some Fully Loaded Free-For-All action should be right up your alley.

European Games

Server: GenArena FFA Euro 0.99f | | Playerlimit: 20
Time: 9pm CET

North American Games

Server: GenArena Central[WHS] .99f | | Playerlimit: 20
Time: 9pm EST

The IRC channel is up as always (irc.wireheadstudios.net, #wirehead), the gametype poll for next week is already up, and we'll see you where the action is!

Kill it with fire!

Title: Re: Fully Loaded FFA (5-19)
Post by: Phoenix on 2005-05-19, 17:15
Hot damn!  These always make for good screenshot matches.  I'll try to make it to get some demos, but if not, someone please take at least one floating-perspective demo for me?

Title: Re: Fully Loaded FFA (5-19)
Post by: Tabun on 2005-05-19, 17:58
I'm on it.