Title: ZOMBIES! Post by: Kenny_WHS on 2005-05-30, 23:55 Zombies Vs. Cyberdemon......FIGHT!!
(http://www.speakeasy.org/~leemon/ZOMBIES.jpg) Title: Re: ZOMBIES! Post by: NovAReapeR on 2005-05-31, 00:03 lmfao. try cyberdemon vs cyberdemon
Title: Re: ZOMBIES! Post by: scalliano on 2005-05-31, 01:09 And the Cyber would still win!
Title: Re: ZOMBIES! Post by: Phoenix on 2005-05-31, 02:00 Great, now I have an idea of what the Doom 3 cyberdemon looks like. GG SPOILER.
Title: Re: ZOMBIES! Post by: Kain-Xavier on 2005-05-31, 08:49 Pinkies > Zombies > Cyberdemon
Title: Re: ZOMBIES! Post by: Kajet on 2005-05-31, 09:45 Quote from: Kain-Xavier Pinkies > Zombies > Cyberdemon Why does that picture make me think i need a protective cup? Title: Re: ZOMBIES! Post by: Footman on 2005-05-31, 14:16 Quote from: Phoenix Great, now I have an idea of what the Doom 3 cyberdemon looks like. GG SPOILER. It seems highly unlikely that you'd bother to play that far anyways. :shifty:Title: Re: ZOMBIES! Post by: Nahand on 2005-05-31, 15:30 Quote from: Phoenix Great, now I have an idea of what the Doom 3 cyberdemon looks like. GG SPOILER. ... my thoughts exactly :/ ...Title: Re: ZOMBIES! Post by: Lopson on 2005-05-31, 16:21 As long as you have a chaingun, it's gonna be fine. :)~ The cyberdemon is so much different from the original...nice!
Title: Re: ZOMBIES! Post by: Phoenix on 2005-05-31, 17:31 Quote from: Footman It seems highly unlikely that you'd bother to play that far anyways. :shifty: I've never played a game and not finished it if it's a winable game (as opposed to a lot of old-style arcade games). I used to roll Demon Attack on the Atari 2600 to a blank screen if that gives you an idea. Trust me, I'll play it to completion.Title: Re: ZOMBIES! Post by: death_stalker on 2005-05-31, 18:49 Spoiler alert - mouseover text to read
Spoiler (click to show/hide) Anyhow that screenshot is quite wild. Zombies, zombies everywhere. LOL P.S. no help on the cyberdemon please... Hate to spoil it anymore for Pho. I'll get him eventually. :rules: Note From Dr. J (thanks con!): Use [s] spoilered text [/s] for spoiler tags. Title: Re: ZOMBIES! Post by: games keeper on 2005-05-31, 19:44 sorry , didnt read you didnt want a spoiler
I give you a hint , think about your inventory and ask yourself why there are keep coming imps at you even when you kill them all . Title: Re: ZOMBIES! Post by: t0ts on 2005-05-31, 19:45 Spoiler alert - Mouse-over text to read
Spoiler (click to show/hide) Note From Con: Use (s) spoilered text (/s) for spoiler tags. Replace the ( ) with [ ] Title: Re: ZOMBIES! Post by: games keeper on 2005-05-31, 19:55 dude , he didnt want to have any spoilers ( so you betterr remove that )
Title: Re: ZOMBIES! Post by: Tabun on 2005-05-31, 19:59 I'm sure Pho's ignoring this thread by now, but I'll edit the posts to make them spoiler-safe.
Besides, the solution given is pretty much burned into your virtual retinae by the game, by the time you get there, so it'd be hard to miss anyway. Title: Re: ZOMBIES! Post by: scalliano on 2005-05-31, 20:29 I still play Demon Attack. w00t!!
Title: Re: ZOMBIES! Post by: Lordbane2110 on 2005-05-31, 22:50 oh come on the cyberdemon in doom 3 is a pussy, even on nightmare level
it's sodding saboath that p***es me off, now he's frickin hard on nightmare Title: Re: ZOMBIES! Post by: Tabun on 2005-05-31, 23:52 Xaero's hard on nightmare ;]
Title: Re: ZOMBIES! Post by: Kain-Xavier on 2005-06-01, 07:14 Quote from: Lordbane2110 oh come on the cyberdemon in doom 3 is a pussy, even on nightmare level Spoiler (click to show/hide) Title: Re: ZOMBIES! Post by: scalliano on 2005-06-01, 14:50 FIGHT!!!