Wirehead Studios

General Discussion => Off-Topic => Topic started by: NovAReapeR on 2005-06-11, 16:15

Title: TLW skin (Crystal armor!)
Post by: NovAReapeR on 2005-06-11, 16:15
yet another skin!

i like this skin better then killergold, and its not nearly as hideous.

   Clickey clickey :) (http://www.planetquake.com/polycount/skins/quake3/visor/tlw/tlw.shtml)

Title: Re: TLW skin
Post by: Footman on 2005-06-11, 16:56
Looks like a disco light that escaped from the 70's.

Title: Re: TLW skin
Post by: LooF on 2005-06-11, 19:55
it just screams "I'm over here shoot me"

Title: Re: TLW skin
Post by: death_stalker on 2005-06-11, 21:11

/me loads 2 more buckshot

*click clack

Not to fond of the colors on that one. Eyesore.