Title: What Would You Be (Poll Time) Post by: Phoenix on 2005-06-12, 08:16 The mighty Shub Niggurath has sent her minions to invade your world. In exchange for your continued existence, you are given the choice to join her army. The catch is that you have to become one of her minions, so what would you prefer to be?
Title: Re: What Would You Be Post by: Kain-Xavier on 2005-06-12, 08:25 As much as I like the thought of being a fuzzy, huggable, killing machine of death, I'd be a fiend instead. I like their up-close-and-personal nature.
Title: Re: What Would You Be Post by: Phoenix on 2005-06-12, 08:27 I really wouldn't want to hug a shambler... O_o
Title: Re: What Would You Be Post by: Dr. Jones on 2005-06-12, 09:07 kenny wants a plush shambler toy, and so do i... you can't tell me a little plush shambler wouldn't be huggable :)
Title: Re: What Would You Be Post by: ConfusedUs on 2005-06-12, 15:33 I'd be a shambler. TOP OF THE FOOD CHAIN BABY!
Title: Re: What Would You Be Post by: NovAReapeR on 2005-06-12, 15:41 shamblers teh ownage
Title: Re: What Would You Be Post by: scalliano on 2005-06-12, 15:57 Me too. :evil:
Title: Re: What Would You Be Post by: Phoenix on 2005-06-12, 19:42 I decided to be a Vore. I know Con hates vores, well most people hate 'em, but I get to lay back and relax in the larger, more palatial areas that way. Besides, just about everyone's picking shamblers, I wanted to be different. ;)
Title: Re: What Would You Be Post by: Tabun on 2005-06-12, 21:02 I guess I would choose death, unless good old shub would give me a thorough explanation of her plan, and then if it would be agreeable. All those so called evil beings trying to reign supreme and conquer worlds, enslave races and whatnot, all those promises and nothing to show for it. No, I think I'd pass on this one, you just know some schmuck of a hero will come along and destroy your army, your career or even your fragile mutilated (and possibly undead) body.
Title: Re: What Would You Be Post by: LooF on 2005-06-12, 21:03 ogres rule!!! we get chainsaws and grenade launchers.. and square heads :D
Title: Re: What Would You Be Post by: NovAReapeR on 2005-06-12, 21:37 lol, i just played through the quake campaign in generations, so i still choose shambler. :P
Title: Re: What Would You Be Post by: Footman on 2005-06-13, 03:31 I choose the Quake Guy. ;]
Title: Re: What Would You Be Post by: McDeth on 2005-06-13, 06:29 Armagon.
Title: Re: What Would You Be Post by: Lopson on 2005-06-13, 10:12 None. they are All ugly. Specially the ogre. it's sooo nice to kill him with the axe...
Title: Re: What Would You Be Post by: death_stalker on 2005-06-13, 14:46 I would have to so Ogre. So far out of all q1 weapons it's really the only one I have any skill with. Besides, it has a neat bouncy sound effect.
/so's i shoot wit one arm... ohhh... bouncy,bouncy... hehe... shoot some more... ohh got saw too.. Hey never said we was smart though. ^_^ Title: Re: What Would You Be Post by: games keeper on 2005-06-13, 17:55 im a gremling , I can steal your weapons and use them against you . :p
Title: Re: What Would You Be Post by: Kain-Xavier on 2005-06-15, 08:58 /me looks at his two sickle hands and whacks Gameskeeper with one :p
Title: Re: What Would You Be Post by: Moshman on 2005-06-15, 09:49 Ogre because they are like onions.
Title: Re: What Would You Be Post by: Kain-Xavier on 2005-06-18, 14:13 Here's another reason why fiends kick ass...
While going through the contents on my hard-drive, I restumbled upon an awesome Quake speed-run video. It's called Fiend Run Lite. The premise of the video is that one of the Quake-done-Quick guys gets drunk and makes a bet that he can beat Quake in 10 minutes. In order to achieve this, he befriends a fiend and rides on top of him. http://speeddemosarchive.com/quake/videos.html (http://speeddemosarchive.com/quake/videos.html) You can go to the link above to find out more info about the speed-run or download an avi of the run. A demo file as well as the mod used to create the video is available here (http://www.planetquake.com/qdq/frl.html). Enjoy! ^_^ |