Title: Strogg vs. Arena TDM (6-16) Post by: Makou on 2005-06-16, 08:24 It's time for more class wars as we're coming at you with some Strogg vs. Arena Team Deathmatch action!
European Games Server: GenArena FFA Euro 0.99f | | Playerlimit: 20 Time: 9pm CET North American Games Server: GenArena Central[WHS] .99f | | Playerlimit: 20 Time: 9pm EST Title: Re: Strogg vs. Arena TDM (6-16) Post by: Phoenix on 2005-06-16, 15:52 If I can make it (and if my ISP doesn't crap out again) I'll be joining the Strogg Troopers!
Edit: Bugger, I'm going to have to miss it. Someone Strogg on in my place! |