Title: My new hero Post by: Twilight on 2003-06-17, 22:58 http://www.gaypimp.com/media/video/soccer_...ractice_300.wmv (http://www.gaypimp.com/media/video/soccer_practice/soccer_practice_300.wmv)
New hero for life. Best to save as, the stream is really flaky. Title: Re: My new hero Post by: Phoenix on 2003-06-18, 01:17 I was a bit concerned about what this would be due to the domain listed in the link, but it turns out it's just some music video in case anyone was worried.
Title: Re: My new hero Post by: dev/null on 2003-06-18, 01:25 I music video about homosexual pimps at soccer practice? Sounds realistic :P