Title: ConfusedUs Post by: Phoenix on 2005-06-26, 07:59 (http://www.wireheadstudios.org/phoenix/pics/misc/cheerio_owned.jpg)
Title: Re: ConfusedUs Post by: ConfusedUs on 2005-06-26, 08:00 "CHEERIO GOOD CHAP OH DONT TRIP!"
Title: Re: ConfusedUs Post by: Makou on 2005-06-26, 08:00 Humiliation? :doomed:
Title: Re: ConfusedUs Post by: ConfusedUs on 2005-06-26, 08:01 WAIT
That's it! THE DAMN CHEERIO USED THE HAIR TO LASSO MY FOOT! Bloody cheerios Title: Re: ConfusedUs Post by: Lopson on 2005-06-26, 11:37 In this case it's more like glory for the cheerio. Poor Confused.
GOGOGO HONEY HALO! So what class is cheerio playing with? Title: Re: ConfusedUs Post by: NovAReapeR on 2005-06-26, 14:27 Cherioan Warriors.
Title: Re: ConfusedUs Post by: scalliano on 2005-06-26, 16:43 Watch out, it's a Cereal Killer :P
Title: Re: ConfusedUs Post by: shambler on 2005-06-26, 19:33 You eather have a dog, or someones losing hair.
Title: Re: ConfusedUs Post by: Phoenix on 2005-06-27, 16:19 http://www.planetquake.com/images/photo/in...x.asp?id=495180 (http://www.planetquake.com/images/photo/index.asp?id=495180)
:D Title: Re: ConfusedUs Post by: Lopson on 2005-06-27, 23:21 O_o A PHOENIX WITH A DOG? I don't know...that sounds WAY too weird...
Title: Re: ConfusedUs Post by: Phoenix on 2005-06-28, 16:32 Why is everyone assuming I have a digital camera all of a sudden? I did no take that picture, I just photoshopped a picture of a cheerio I found on the web! :wall:
Link is not dead, I just checked it. Title: Re: ConfusedUs Post by: games keeper on 2005-06-30, 17:07 Quote Why is everyone assuming I have a digital camera all of a sudden? since evereone has one these daysTitle: Re: ConfusedUs Post by: Woodsman on 2005-06-30, 17:59 I get it! its because con can make love to a cheerio and not break it.
Title: Re: ConfusedUs Post by: Tabun on 2005-06-30, 18:11 * Humiliation * !
Title: Re: ConfusedUs Post by: Phoenix on 2005-06-30, 18:14 Quote from: games keeper since evereone has one these days I'm not "everyone", so quit making assumptions.Title: Re: ConfusedUs Post by: games keeper on 2005-06-30, 20:15 did I say "everyone" ? stop making assumptions i said that :ninja:
Title: Re: ConfusedUs Post by: Footman on 2005-06-30, 21:25 Quote from: games keeper did I say "everyone" ? Uhhh, yes. You did.Title: Re: ConfusedUs Post by: games keeper on 2005-06-30, 21:54 then you just read again :p
Title: Re: ConfusedUs Post by: Phoenix on 2005-07-01, 22:37 It's not like I quoted you or anything. :smirk: