Title: quake 4 (the trailer) Post by: games keeper on 2005-08-12, 14:59 to those who have seen the trailer , hat do ya think .
http://media.pc.ign.com/media/016/016856/vids_1.html (http://media.pc.ign.com/media/016/016856/vids_1.html) i think its sweet , altough that the factory where they change humans into cyborgs does remind me a lot about the 1 found in SIN . Title: Re: quake 4 Post by: Phoenix on 2005-08-12, 17:42 All I saw was some fighting in some trenches.
Title: Re: quake 4 Post by: games keeper on 2005-08-12, 18:17 its the 1 underneath it , No picture of the movie , its called q4 e3 trailer
you have to give your age to see the movie. Title: Re: quake 4 Post by: shambler on 2005-08-12, 19:57 Looks good.
Title: Re: quake 4 Post by: Lilazzkicker on 2005-08-13, 16:35 Well, thus far, my thoughts on the multiplayer aspect of the quake 4 game, are rated high, been playing it off and on the last few days, staff generally can when they want to.
The game play, has a rather nice feel too it, absolutely enjoy the weapons though the lightening gun is now a newb cannon it feels. Seems the lightning is drawn to enemy players you are attacking. Will say more when I have had more sleep. Already reserved my copy though I dont have a pc to play it on. Azz Out. Title: Re: quake 4 Post by: games keeper on 2005-08-13, 22:01 Omg its lillaz!!!!