Title: 1000W PSU Post by: Phoenix on 2005-08-23, 01:53 http://www.hexus.net/content/beanz/beanz.p...mlld19JRD0xNDk1 (http://www.hexus.net/content/beanz/beanz.php?dXJsX3Jldmlld19JRD0xNDk1)
Remember when I said you couldn't have too much power? I always wondered what you'd use to power a machine with dual 7800's in SLI with quad RAID arrays, and here it is. Title: Re: 1000W PSU Post by: Moshman on 2005-08-23, 04:29 :wtf:
Title: Re: 1000W PSU Post by: Lopson on 2005-08-23, 08:46 That thing without an UPS is a risky investment.
Title: Re: 1000W PSU Post by: scalliano on 2005-08-24, 00:03 I definitely don't need one of those yet :P