Title: I'm moving Post by: Hollowpoint on 2005-10-01, 23:37 I'm moving from my little studio apartment.
It's been fun playing Gen with you guys over the last few years. Good Games! ^_^ :thumb: :thumb: :rules: Title: Re: I'm moving Post by: games keeper on 2005-10-01, 23:42 ? , you mean since your moving your not gonna play gen anymore ????
Title: Re: I'm moving Post by: Hollowpoint on 2005-10-02, 00:51 yeah, I dunno when I'll have power. So, without power, no computer. Hence no more gen playing for a while for me.
Sorry if I come off like a smartass. ok, I'm not sorry, but I don't mean to sound like one. :rolleyes: :)~ :smirk: :) :rules: :!: :rules: Title: Re: I'm moving Post by: games keeper on 2005-10-02, 12:11 thats no reason. you can always go see some friends on saturday, and at 21:00 you say to your friend.
"hey can I use your comp for a sec to check my emails ? " and you play gen for a couple of hours :p |