Title: How was everyone's weekend? Post by: Paco the Taco on 2005-10-31, 18:03 Folks, I must say in my experience that the Lord Jesus Christ is more enjoyable than videogames. This past weekend was wonderful, because it was full of growth in the life that the Lord has put into me. When I was meeting with the other Christians we called on His name, enjoyed His Word (the Bible), and our spirits were fed richly.
For anyone who reads this, know that Christ is not religion :). Just taste and see that the Lord is good. Title: Re: How was everyone's weekend? Post by: Moshman on 2005-10-31, 18:18 You are absolutely correct. This weekend I helped rake leaves with my Youth Group to raise money for our regular offereing for missionaries.
Title: Re: How was everyone's weekend? Post by: Tabun on 2005-10-31, 18:27 My week and weekend were excellent. I developed a better understanding of the metaphysics of Aristotle, Descartes, Kant et cetera and wrote a pretty decent paper about Putnam's 'Brain in the Vat' thesis. I've also acquired a better insight in Kant's and Hegel's philosophical standpoins (respectively: transcendental idealism and the value of the dialectic method). Through this I have renewed my confidence in my decision to study philosophy. In addition to that and on a lesser note, I've once again seen what great stuff the videogame industry can churn out at its best, by sampling both F.E.A.R. and Civilization IV.
That's probably not what you were aiming for, but that's 'how my weekend has been'. :] Title: Re: How was everyone's weekend? Post by: Lopson on 2005-10-31, 22:36 Saturday I made a powerpoint animation for a Biology project the whole aafternoon, and Sunday I celebrated my dad's B-Day. And, to balance all this fun, I'm going to have 2 tests on Chemistry and on Philosofy. Hopefully, both will go smooth.
Title: Re: How was everyone's weekend? Post by: Phoenix on 2005-11-01, 02:18 I rested much, still trying to get over this illness. If anything positive is coming from this it's a pointed reminder to me of how much disease and illness cause suffering around the world, which has stirred greater compassion in me for those who are much sicker than I am. Perhaps it is the Lord's way of reminding me of the value of humility as well, as I tend to be a proud creature when I know that I should not. It certainly reminds me of the need to pray for the sick, and also to better appreciate the benefits of medical science and the need of those much less fortunate than those of us able to read these message boards on a computer.
I reflected on the events of the past year, from the Tsunamis to the hurricanes and earthquakes, to my fellow birds that have fallen to the plague you call the "bird flu". I was drawn to consider Romans chapter 8, verses 18 through 28 where it says: Quote For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time [are] not worthy [to be compared] with the glory which shall be revealed in us. For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God. For the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him who hath subjected [the same] in hope, Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now. And not only [they], but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, [to wit], the redemption of our body. For we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for? But if we hope for that we see not, [then] do we with patience wait for [it]. Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what [is] the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according to [the will of] God. And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to [his] purpose. We all suffer together in this present time, man and animal alike, indeed as it says "all creation" groaneth in pain. Let us look forward in hope, and also work together to ease each others' pains in the difficult times we face now.[/color] Title: Re: How was everyone's weekend? Post by: l4mby on 2005-11-01, 03:34 I got to work 2 overnight shifts. Even over the daylight savings time, which means I ended up working a 15.5 hour shift that day. WEE ! I spent the rest of it, well, sitting on my rear doing absolutely nothing !
Title: Re: How was everyone's weekend? Post by: Paco the Taco on 2005-11-01, 05:12 Folks, I'm really glad there was some positive feedback here :). Thank you all for replying, and have a great week...no, have a God week :).
Phoenix, I enjoyed those Bible verses you included. Amen, brother. Title: Re: How was everyone's weekend? Post by: Woodsman on 2005-11-01, 06:32 This weekend sucked. I went to work.
Title: Re: How was everyone's weekend? Post by: Moshman on 2005-11-01, 22:00 At work we lost 4 people, so I had to work three 12 hour shifts in a row, and I burned myself pretty bad.
Title: Re: How was everyone's weekend? Post by: shambler on 2005-11-02, 00:35 Last week I had a rest from my job as it was half term. I read a lot, watched firefly, and played guitar. I needed the rest, and this week has been real sh** so far. today 120 pupils ( yes, that many) ran into me without stopping and I was driven back about 12 feet, but not knocked over. we get riots in our school, with the police being called etc. had 2 this school year so far. I exspect the next will be a biggy. in the last one 'only' 3 teachers were assaulted. 6 pupils were permantly excluded and being delt with by the police, but at least 2 seem to wander the school whenever they like. :wall:
its just me having a moan. Title: Re: How was everyone's weekend? Post by: Phoenix on 2005-11-02, 05:02 Tough job there, shambler. :(
Title: Re: How was everyone's weekend? Post by: Lopson on 2005-11-02, 23:14 At least someone hates school like me. Man your school must be tough shambler. What exactly do you teach?
Title: Re: How was everyone's weekend? Post by: shambler on 2005-11-03, 00:29 Its the 7th worst school in England.
I try to teach Technology and electronics and ICT. its basically woodwork and computers. Ita a fun job most of the time, we think of ourselves as being kind of the 'elite' of the profession, normal teachers couldn't do it. I think of it as being on stage really, each lesson is a kind of show, so its what i'm used to. The daftest things happen, which I can't go into here, and 9 days out of 10 are really great fun, but the other day is as bad as it gets. Still I work from 8.15 till 3.05, and get 13 weeks holiday a year, and a regular paycheck. I play guitar in my office, pretty much do as I like cos they would find it difficult to replace me, and teach only 15 hours a week, due to my timetable. Its just that some days are really really bad. but that happens whatever you do. And the good news is that I'm going to grow my hair long again, now its going grey and grow my beard again, so I can look like the hulk's father in the film. going back to my hippy roots..... Title: Re: How was everyone's weekend? Post by: Lopson on 2005-11-03, 13:39 Technology and electronics... Here we have a class called "Comunication & Information Technologies" Instead of that. Those classes are so cool, specially because me and a friend of mine finish the assignments really fast, and we can get to play games, mostly Q3A & CS.
Title: Re: How was everyone's weekend? Post by: shambler on 2005-11-03, 16:48 we had UT on the network for awhile, but the politically correct types complained, so it got took off. Remember this is the school that at least one bomber came from.
Title: Re: How was everyone's weekend? Post by: Phoenix on 2005-11-03, 18:15 The politically correct types are the ones who protect the rights of the bombers over the rights of the citizenry. You have "human rights watchgroups" complaining that Saddam Hussein won't ever get a fair trial. Where the hell were these people when he was butchering his own citizenry, or gassing people in Iran, or launching an unprovoked invasion into Kuwait? Why is it the people who worry about this stuff never protect the innocent but rush to the defense of ruthless butchers and dictators? Prince Charles just came to the US to lecture President Bush about how the US should be "more sensitive" to Muslims. Imagine that! Funny how the sensitivity of the Muslim world wasn't called into question when some Arabs, none of which I think were practitioners of orthodox Judaism, Christianity, Bhuddism or Hinduism, flew a couple of airlines into a couple of buildings and killed 3,000 people in the US. No, they immediately came on TV saying "don't take revenge on Muslims for the acts of a radical few!" The US government gives out free prayer rugs and Korans and even has little signs pointed toward Mecca for detainees at Guantanamo, who by the way are never served meals containing any pork products or parts from other "unclean" animals. Terrorists routinely blow up Israeli civilians - read: women and children - yet it's always Israel's fault, never the terrorists. The US citizenry went out of its way to restrain itself after 9/11 and not go out killing every Arab or Muslim in the US. Now, if some Israeli had blown up a mosque in the West Bank, you think the Palestinians, Jordanians, Iranians, and Egyptians would exhibit the same restraint? Yet, AMERICA needs to be MORE SENSITIVE! :wall:
Ok, Christianity gets blasted for the Crusades, and the Inquisition, and all manner of things that were bad. You know what? We fess up. We admit our mistakes. We've asked forgiveness. What do we get? We get thrown in prison for exercising our rights, told we can't pray publicly, told our children can't excersice ANY religious behavior in schools or we get thrown in jail for that, and why? BECAUSE IT MIGHT OFFEND ATHEISTS AND MUSLIMS! I don't see how it can offend atheists because if they're right, and there's no God, why the flocking hell do they care? I've got news for you anyway, if you people think Christianity has caused so much death, just look at Nazi Germany, which was fascism, look at Stalin, over 20,000,000 dead, and that was atheism, look at China, North Korea... do I have to go on? Do atheists make apoligies for atrocities committed in the name of whatever respective socio-political ideology they follow? Do Muslims apoligize for atrocities committed in the name of Allah? Why the hell do people turn blind eyes to what's going on in the world? I'm sick of people in the Western leadership and media continually kissing ass to Islam while trampling on the rights of Christians. If it's about oil, then do us all a favor - either invade and take it all over, or find some other way to power people's lives, but in either case stop making deals with the devil and double-talking your citizenry. Peaceful Muslims should be tolerated the same as people of any other faith, but special concessions should not be made, nor any priveleged status given to hardline Islamic regimes, especially as long as Islamic terrorism continues to be a knife at our throats. Those of us who play by the rules, who are fair and just, and obey the law are persecuted and trodden down BY the law. Those who murder, and threaten, and oppress are given concession after concession, are never held accountable, and given more reason to continue their behavior. The only thing the PC people are teaching with all of this is "might makes right" and "who has the gold makes the rules", the gold in this case being oil. As long as this continues, why should the terrorists change? Why should regimes like the Saudis change? They know they're winning so long as their opponents are spineless sniveling cowards who won't do anything to protect themselves or their people. Political correctness will be the death of the civilized world. Title: Re: How was everyone's weekend? Post by: Moshman on 2005-11-03, 18:24 My school sucks big time. They have this stupid ass block called N2H2, a.k.a Bess. The most facist, influencing and annoying block ever. Here's the funny thing.
I see people on porno and games as I'm being locked out of my research sites citing that it is this and that. It's funny, you can't go to a website that says that black people need to stop blaming the white man for their problems, citing that it is "tasteless" but you can go to a page saying that "the white man is evil and they need to pay "us" for enslaving our brotherhood." That is messed up. Viewing something as "tasteless" is relative and varies from person to person. You can go to a liberal website, but you can't go to a conservative page. As they are supposivly "protecting" (as if a giant hand is going to pop out of the screen and crush my skull) us from "harmful" content. I'll tell you what else they are doing, they are imposing their policital agendas and influencing our views. I could go on and on with all the facist things that they do. But they blocked Wirehead Studios as "violent" and "tasteless". Title: Re: How was everyone's weekend? Post by: Phoenix on 2005-11-03, 19:04 They really blocked our site? Wow, I guess that means we're important now! :D
Title: Re: How was everyone's weekend? Post by: Lopson on 2005-11-03, 21:05 The American Dream has come True
Title: Re: How was everyone's weekend? Post by: Phoenix on 2005-11-03, 21:21 No... that would require a profit. I think we're all still broke. I know I am at least.
Title: Re: How was everyone's weekend? Post by: Paco the Taco on 2005-11-04, 00:02 You guys have some excellent and valid points. I totally get frustrated as a human being seeing innocent people taken advantage of and murdered. BUT, as far as us as Christians getting slammed for things of the past, the Lord will handle them, as well as those that speak heresy and falsehood about us.
This is all the more need to pray...not only for ourselves, but for the ones being used by the enemy, Satan, to usurp mankind. Brothers, I say this because if you look at brother Paul in the Bible...his name used to be Saul, and he persecuted the church. He actually thought he was doing God a favor by doing such wrongs to the church such as sending them to prison, to death and such. But, the Lord Jesus Christ appeared to Saul when he was on the way to Damascus, and said, "Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?" He said, "Me" because the church is the expression of God the Father in the Lord Jesus Christ.... My main point for this is, see what the Lord did? He appeared to Saul and had mercy on him. Saul was named Paul after meeting with the Lord at that time, and he surrendered to the Lord. If we pray for those being used as puppets by the enemy, wonderous things will happen...count on it. Title: Re: How was everyone's weekend? Post by: Moshman on 2005-11-04, 05:33 Aye.
Christians at times let their emotions blind their method of spreading the word. Satan also uses Christians to do his bidding whether they know it or not, setting bad examples for non-Christians. Sometimes I ask myself, why do people try the best that they can to push God out of their life, replacing him with worldly views and concepts. They try so hard to convince others that there is no God, saying there is no faith or whatever. You know what? You are fooling yourself if you say that. I'll tell you, it takes a hell of a lot more faith to believe that there is not a God then to believe that there is. For example a simple thing, lets say elevators. When you step on that elevator and press the button, how do you know that the thing is not going to lose power and fall hundreds of feet to your death? You put faith in it. You have faith in the equipment, the cord hanging, the maintenance guy repairing it. See what I mean? So don't go around and say that you don't have faith because if you do explain this: What happens if there is a god? What is your plan? You think that your going to die and rot in your grave and millions of years later turn in to valuable oil for the next evolutionary generation of homo sapiens to use? What if your wrong, then what? You're screwed that's what. I realize that is not the most solid argument one could dish out, but here's the point. You do have faith. That is what faith is all about. I believe that in most cases people shun God is because they don't want to conform to the lifestyle he has set for us, that we should have it our way. What disappoints me further is that our own Christians are conforming to worldly ways. The United Methodist Church allowed an openly gay pastor to be the leader of the said church. This kind of thing pisses me off, it?s not that she?s gay, but she is a pastor, who obviously should have read her bible a thousand times through and still is gay? That is why I left the UMC and joined Assembles of God which is where my youth group is. They are as solid as a rock. UMC is extremely apathetic. For years me and my family tried to get a youth center down at the church, (which is located next door to my house) they rejected it saying that they don?t want kids messing up their new carpet. Cry me a river. They claim to be Christians and they don?t want to reach out. It is a f?cking retiree country club. They have nothing going on for the kids up there. The pastor tries his best to do things, we tried, but the old farts will not conform. But you know what? They approved a 2 million dollar brand spanking new out of the box sanctuary, sent out little tithe commitments for paying off the mortgage but they don?t want to spend $300 to sponsor a youth get together. They did not need a new sanctuary; they barely use the space of the old one. Which in fact was going to be the location of the youth center, but no it sits there empty. There are kids on Friday night standing on the corner with nothing to do and what usually happens? They get bored; they use drugs, steal cars and raise hell. That was the purpose of the youth center, to get kids involved and do something healthy and safe and off the streets. But no, all they care about is their +$100k they retain in offering money, their f?cking mortgage, their f?cking air conditioning, their f?cking cookies and coffee after ?service?, their f?cking $20k elevator, their f?cking carpet. It is not a church honoring Jesus Christ; it is a f?cking country club for retirees and clich?s of the younger crowd. I got fed up and voted with my feet. Then they have the balls to call me up asking if I would be able to make the month?s tithe, and mow their lawn. Oh BTW about the lawn which is huge and they never use. They stuck a giant tree in the middle of the lawn so the kids can?t play a little game of football. ?Oh our grass.? Cry me a f?cking river. All they care is about how good their property looks. They cried to me after I busted my ass on the lawn for 4 hours that there was a little grass on the sidewalk and that I have to fix it. They are posers that are running a f?cked up old people?s country club. Absolutely pathetic. God does not honor that shit hole at all. Let me tell you a sad story. This friend of mine lives close to my house. He is one of the bored kids on a Friday night. He wanted to go to the Youth get together, but it never happened because old sour balls didn?t want to help out the kids. So instead of going to the youth thing that never happened this is what he did. He ran away. Later they found him in a stolen car that he stole, and pounds of meth in the car. His life is ruined. And that is a FAILURE OF THE CHURCH. [/u] But the country club could care less, after all they were using the kids to scrub their f?cking carpet that day anyway. Title: Re: How was everyone's weekend? Post by: Phoenix on 2005-11-04, 06:54 Quote Matthew 7:15-7:23: Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither [can] a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity." Quote Matthew 6:24: No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. And finallyQuote Revelation 3:14-3:19: And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God; I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth. Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked: I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and [that] the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see. As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent. The problem is that people do not love God. They do not seek God. They prefer sin, and worldly things, and abandon decency for all manner of perversions. Youth become spiteful, disrespectful of parents, headstrong and violent. Adults become apathetic, cold, dispassionate and detached. The fire, the spark of the Spirit that burns within us all, they choose to snuff out, and instead they allow a new flame to be lit, as the devil also speaks in tongues of fire, this new flame of lust, and greed, and hatred, and all manner of wickedness, not the gentle flame of love, compassion, faith, and humility. Sadly, this too was prophesied, so we know the times we live in, for Jesus said:Quote Luke 18:8: ... Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth? Who teaches the Scripture, as it is written anymore? Who studies the words of the prophets? Who looks to God as a loving Father, instead of a wrathful judge? Indeed, where does one put one's faith? The godless put their faith in themselves and their works, but the body dies, and rots in the grave. Machines rust, brick crumbles, and all manner of artificial things decay into dust. Men betray each other, and war, and murder for gain. Man is a fool if he trusts himself, for man deceives himself continually. The believer should know better. Why then should those who believe in God turn away from His teachings? Yet this is the world today, the churches are lukewarm, dispassionate, and bear no fruit. Greedy false teachers speak words that tickle the ear in order to separate fools from the money they earn from the sweat of their own labor, then crucify with guilt those who seek to depart from their treachery. They do not teach the true Gospel as it is written, nor do they have spiritual understanding, but instead feed the fires of hell with their deception, as surely as they fill their coffers with the wealth they steal. You were wise to depart from these wolves, for we are commanded to flee from sin, and seek His face.[/color]Title: Re: How was everyone's weekend? Post by: Paco the Taco on 2005-11-04, 08:08 Amen, brothers! It is a sad situation indeed.
My testimony is that the Lord has brought me into the oneness of the Spirit in the church. He has delivered me from the bonds of religion, and is my daily supply of life and grace. Calling on the Lord's name is crucial to living Him. It is a daily matter of life. I have seen the two-faced religious money hogs that take advantage of folks who have their hearts right with the Lord. It WILL be revealed, though. Remember that verse that says (I will paraphrase) there is nothing new under the sun, and that light will expose everything in due time? It will happen. But, what will make us one in the church will be the calling on the Lord our of a pure heart. When we do this, many things will happen. We will confess with utmost faith that Jesus Christ is Lord. We will grow in our spirit. We will coperate with God to the extent of enjoying Him and alowing Him to throw out the old sinful human nature within us. Even the Lord Himself will impart more of His very life and nature into us. I love this song that we have in the glorious churchlife: "God's eternal economy is to make Man the same as He is in life and nature, but not in the Godhead, and to make Himself one with Man, and Man one with Him, thus to be enlarged and expanded in His expression that all His divine attributes may be expressed in human virtues." The word economy is not heard commonly in today's churches much, if at all. in the original Greek translation, the word "oiconomia" is where economy comes from. In the early English translations, I believe it was called His plan. God's plan is His economy. The following link is for anyone who is interested in seeing some translation history and finding our more about God's economy:: www.recoveryversion.org Brothers, I encourage you to pray for the Lord to show you what He desires in His heart. Yes, He is a loving Father that thinks about us all the time, therefore an earthly father thinks of his children constantly. He will take the role of the Judge on our judgment day, but since this is the age of grace, He is loving, kind, ever so patient, and merciful. You and I know that one day we will be judged. Therefore, we even as children of God must repent, and plead the Lord to cover us in His precious blood hat was shed for us. If we confess, the Word tells us in Jeremiah that He forgives AND forgets :). Isn't that wonderful? And if we keep getting reminded of it, it is the enemy, Satan, that is bringing condemnation on to us. Reade Romans 8 in this case :). Even ask the Lord to reveal what you need to repent. We don't even know what we need to pray. Even the Holy Spirit groans for us with groanings that cannot be uttered. I believe it speaks of this in the book of Romans, chapter 7 or 8. If I am wrong, please correct me. Praise the Lord brothers, and I am grateful to you and the Lord that this site is open to including the Lord Jesus in these forums. It makes it infinitely better. Title: Re: How was everyone's weekend? Post by: Lopson on 2005-11-04, 10:37 I have never seen people outside my family having so much faith in the Lord. I had an uncle that decided to become a Priest, and as far as my family can remember, he was a cheerful, happy & loving person. That is what Curch is all about : hapiness & love, for He also provides us with that.
I am amazed that there still are young people who believe in Him. It shows me and everyone that His love still exists in good people. Title: Re: How was everyone's weekend? Post by: Tabun on 2005-11-04, 13:52 Quote They prefer sin, and worldly things, and abandon decency for all manner of perversions. Youth become spiteful, disrespectful of parents, headstrong and violent. Adults become apathetic, cold, dispassionate and detached. I won't take offense at that, it's simply where we have a different opinion. I don't see myself as any of those things. I have seen more anger in firm believers around me than I have in 'non-believers' that I have met, more arrogance, more pride, more stubbornness and derision in their texts. I have many friends who are either unsure as what to choose yet, sure that they won't be ready to choose anywhere soon and some who are outright atheists, who are all loving and warm people. I can trust them, and they can trust me - we are close and open to eachother. And yet, this is not enough: our feelings, our contemplations and our desires are just fraudulent, fake, superficial, 'worldly' and so on. We are foolish for not hopping on any particular bandwagon, we are worse than that: Quote You're screwed that's what And I see people of one religion denying the faith of others. Accepting A, denying B without realizing how precisely this is looks like the acceptance of B over A by others. If I know already what I am seeking for, I have set off on the wrong foot. In this great world it is not my place (and to my opinion, nor that of any creature) to affirm and fix the voyage from the start. But hey, at least I respect the decisions of those who have made their choice - they are not fools to me, even though I do not agree with them. That I am a fool to some merely make me happy that I don't share in their arrogance. If that's not you, then fine, if it is, I'm sure there will come a day when you will be able to see things in a different light and I hope to be a part of that in some way. Title: Re: How was everyone's weekend? Post by: Moshman on 2005-11-04, 17:56 Quote from: Tabun I have seen more anger in firm believers around me than I have in 'non-believers' that I have met, more arrogance, more pride, more stubbornness and derision in their texts. This I must admit to be true, and this is the majority of what the churches teach. This kind of behavior drives people out then brings them in. Christianity is not all about head-knowledge, pride, self-righteousness, and arrogence. Christians who have this attitude are lost. For the mission is not to flab our mouths, recite a few verses and think everything is happy hunky dory. Mouths can speak Bible verses and interpretations as long as they have breath in them, but without doing anything, your head knowledge means nothing. Bragging that Jesus Christ is your savior and that you memorize a few verses in the Bible is not Christianity. Love, kindness, forgivness, sacrifice and service is the point of Christianity, the Bible is a guide on how to do these things. People get these things mixed up.The average Christian I saddly admit is extremely stuck up. It is all about them, when in truth it is all about Jesus. Title: Re: How was everyone's weekend? Post by: Lopson on 2005-11-04, 20:08 We are all free to choose our trip through this land, and if you have chosen a different path, there's no wrong in that Tab, and there is no reason why you or anyone should be hated by anyone because of your decisions concerning your path. A group of people here have chosen the path of Christianism, nothing more than that. Now I and the people who have chosen this path or any other must continue it, to show respect for our decisions and for what that path symbolises.
Quote I have seen more anger in firm believers around me than I have in 'non-believers' that I have met, more arrogance, more pride, more stubbornness and derision in their texts. I think that anything, in exagerated ammounts, is harmful. Probably those people you are adressing to are exageratting in their believes, and therefore get blinded by their believes, denying the variety of this World and only accepting the one path that is not being censored by their believes. And that, needless to say, is bad. Title: Re: How was everyone's weekend? Post by: Woodsman on 2005-11-05, 16:46 Quote from: Little Washu The average Christian I saddly admit is extremely stuck up. It is all about them, when in truth it is all about Jesus. I went to church every sunday for many years and over that time i didnt noticed christians to be any more stuck up than other group of people. Really i didnt find them to be very diffrent from other people at all.Title: Re: How was everyone's weekend? Post by: Phoenix on 2005-11-05, 18:36 Quote from: Tabun I won't take offense at that, it's simply where we have a different opinion. I don't see myself as any of those things. That's good, because I don't see you as any of that either. If I did, I would tell you upfront. :)Quote I have seen more anger in firm believers around me than I have in 'non-believers' that I have met, more arrogance, more pride, more stubbornness and derision in their texts. This is a problem with a lot of people. There are any number of "holy rollers" that condemn people simply because they think differently. The bible's message is that God is not out to condemn people, but to save people from condemnation through forgiveness and sacrifice. This is lost, unfortunately, on many a believer and non-believer alike. The difference is the believer has no excuse for it.Quote I have many friends who are either unsure as what to choose yet, sure that they won't be ready to choose anywhere soon and some who are outright atheists, who are all loving and warm people. I can trust them, and they can trust me - we are close and open to eachother. If it were easy, life would be short for all. People wonder about the meaning of life, but for me at least, the answer is simple. Life is the process through which you discover who you are, and choose what you will become. That takes, well, a lifetime. There are many good people who have not found God. God forbid that I would condemn such people. Indeed I wish more people, believer and non-believer alike, were as you describe.Quote And yet, this is not enough: our feelings, our contemplations and our desires are just fraudulent, fake, superficial, 'worldly' and so on. We are foolish for not hopping on any particular bandwagon, we are worse than that: Your actions define you, my friend, not the opinions of those around you, and nobody said your feelings or desires were false, only that there are many blind people in the world. We who do believe in a God ought to trust God to know the hearts of men, but "by their fruits" we do know how to react to people - this includes other believers. I look at the fruits of this modern generation, and I see some very, very bad things going on. We can't just turn a blind eye to the bad behavior of people in this world, and make excuses for it. Crime, war, apathy - all this goes on day after day, corrupt motives of people of all classes, from peasants to politicians causing suffering continually. That is what I was speaking of in my earlier rant. Included in this is hypocricy and apostacy among believers. We, as believers, should be more compassionate and more understanding than people who do not believe. We should hold ourselves to a higher standard, and indeed hold ourselves more accountable because, if we are saved as we believe, then we know right from wrong and it is our duty to behave better than those who are still in the process of discovering which way they wish to go. That we feel assured of our knowledge I do not see as arrogance either. To a believer, we should be more sure of God, and less sure of ourselves, but our acceptence of God we should always be sure of. I know you value uncertainty Tab, but as a believer, I value the certainty of God more than I value my own soul, for without God, my soul is meaningless and all the things I hope for and love, and the future I look toward every moment of every day of my life turns to ash and dust, and I am left a cold and barren creature. Doubt of God has no place in a believer's life. Doubt of self is always there, as we are still imperfect creatures with sinful natures.As far as trust, human nature is what is not to be trusted. Do you trust yourself to always do the right thing, and to be perfect, and never act selfishly or cause injury to another? How many people do things they regret later? Human history is written in suffering, oppression, and bloodshed. Yes, there is capacity to do good, but far too often man gives in to the temptation to do evil instead. A man should not think too highly of himself, nor be too sure of his intentions. If you never question yourself, you will surely think you are doing good when you are doing evil. How many people, who do evil to others, in the end think they are actually doing good? Still, we trust that God has written in our hearts what is good and what is evil, for we all know not to murder, or steal, or desire what belongs to others, or disrespect our elders, or dishonor our mate in secret with another. For if the unbeliever can say, "it is wrong to steal", and the believer says, "God says it is wrong to steal", then for both the law is the same, "thou shalt not steal", and we all know it to be wrong. Likewise if the unbeliever says "It is good to give to the poor, and show mercy", and the believer says, "God says we should give alms to the poor, for God has mercy on us", then we all know it to be good. In this way we can discern what is good and what is evil, for God writes it in the heart of the believer and unbeliever alike. Acts of goodness, whether done in His name or not, are counted for God for all that is good is of God, while acts of cruelty, even those done in His name, are counted for the devil, for no evil comes of God, but is of the devil. It is not about "hopping on bandwagons" at all. It is about what kind of person you are, and what choices you make and why. Quote If I know already what I am seeking for, I have set off on the wrong foot. In this great world it is not my place (and to my opinion, nor that of any creature) to affirm and fix the voyage from the start. Nobody knows, from the day they are born, or hatch, or however they enter the world, what they are seeking. They just know that they are. This is part of the great mystery of life is that nobody can define your life's quest, it's yours and yours alone. We are all free to find our own path. If there is a God as we believe, and He desires you to be in His family more than you may desire not to be, then in some way at some time in your life He will make Himself known to you. I have faith in that because I have faith in Him. Otherwise we're all free to make our own way, whatever way that leads.[/color] |