Title: Quake II server problems (How do you get it to be seen!!) Post by: death_stalker on 2005-11-28, 16:31 Heya all! I'm having a bit of a problem getting Quake II Co-op server up and running. I believe I have the server config done up correctly, my map list, and .bat file but it seems to be invisible to all. :huh: This is a copy of my config for the server... I hope I've given enough info so someone can help me. Oh, I forgot to mention I also have a shortcut to start it with the commands +set dedicated 1 +exec server.cfg.
//Quake2 server configuration file - co-op game //set dmflags 280084 set hostname "Death Stalkers Co-Op" set deathmatch 0 set coop 1 set cheats 0 set skill 3 set logfile 3 set maxclients 6 set fraglimit 120 set capturelimit 8 //set timelimit 30 set public 1 //set stdlogfile 1 //set rcon_password "xxxx" //set password "xxxx" set allow_download 1 setmaster q2master.planetquake.com setmaster gameaholic.com setmaster telefragged.com setmaster master0.gamespy.com map base1 I've experimented with many settings but for some reason it doesn't seem to get outside my router. A 192.168.x.x address... If anymore info is needed I'll be happy to give it. Thanks for any help that can be given. Title: Re: Quake II server problems Post by: Phoenix on 2005-11-28, 22:54 You need to make sure the ports that the server uses can be "seen" by outside computers. You need to open port 27910 to incoming connections on whatever IP address your server is on. I'll check with Oz about what else might be needed, and how to set up on a different port, etc.
Title: Re: Quake II server problems Post by: Phoenix on 2005-11-28, 22:56 You need to make sure the ports that the server uses can be "seen" by outside computers. You need to open port 27910 to incoming connections on whatever IP address your server is on. I'll check with Oz about what else might be needed, and how to set up on a different port, etc.
Title: Re: Quake II server problems Post by: death_stalker on 2005-11-29, 05:56 Oh my...
/slaps forehead I forgot all about opening the port. I'll check that out right away. I appreciate the assistance. I'll give the port a go and see what happens, and check back if there is anything else I may need to do. Thanks. :) EDIT Hmm, that didn't work. I've got to be missing something. :huh: Title: Re: Quake II server problems Post by: Phoenix on 2005-11-30, 22:59 Try starting the server with a shortcut using the following arguments:
+set dedicated 1 +set coop 1 +set skill 3 +map base1 Change the skill level to whatever you want. If the server is dedicated like this, then it should appear in ASE. Just give it about 5 minutes for the master servers to update so the scanners can find it. If you're wanting to play on the same computer that the coop server is running, just start another copy of Q2 (non dedicated) and type "connect" and it'll loop back to your dedicated server. I've tested this and it works for me at least. Title: Re: Quake II server problems Post by: death_stalker on 2005-12-02, 17:50 Thanks I'll give that a shot. I really wasn't wanting to make it dedicated if I didn't need to. I just wanted to make something so a friend of mine and myself could connect online for co-op. Mostly because this computer gets turned off while I'm at school because I take the mouse with me. Would it still go out to the internet if I left off the + dedicated 1 from the short cut? Sorry I ask dumb questions. I just don't want some one to go "ooo dedicated co-op" than have the plug pulled when I go to class.
Title: Re: Quake II server problems Post by: Phoenix on 2005-12-03, 23:19 I thought you had wanted to run a public server that can be seen by anyone using All-Seeing Eye or Gamespy. The best thing to do if you don't want it up and public all the time is just to try a live connect. You don't need a dedicated server at that point. Just message him to try to connect to you when you're both around. Start the server normally through the menu for coop. All he has to do is type "connect ***.***.***.***:27910" (the *'s being your IP address) and he'll either connect to you, or he won't. If he gets in, you're set. If not, you have a port blocked OR you forgot to set for coop in the menu. It's that simple. If you want the server to be up when you're not around, but not visible to server scanners over the net, then you'll just need to make sure he knows your IP address ahead of time incase it changes and leave it running.
Title: Re: Quake II server problems Post by: death_stalker on 2005-12-26, 04:08 Ok, I did some fooling around and I think I got it right. If someone gets a chance try to connect to
If it doesn't work let me know please. I'll leave it up all night while I'm at work till around 8 am Eastern time when I get home. Title: Re: Quake II server problems Post by: Phoenix on 2005-12-26, 06:28 I couldn't connect. :(
Title: Re: Quake II server problems Post by: death_stalker on 2005-12-26, 13:25 Crap, I'll do more troubleshooting. Before it was complaining about something called getnet.Or something along those lines. I think it has something to do with UDP protocol. The server may still have a problem with it, but not sure what that is. By God I'll get this right. I haven't been this stumped since I started those networking classes last year. Hmm, all ports firewall, router and my gateway connection in the windows network settings are opened. Both TCP and UDP. I also used the shortcut commands you posted earlier. Ack... Maybe the config? Or that getnet line when I tried the loopback? Hmm... :huh: I'll figure it out sooner or later. :)