Title: Pizza or Lasagna (The tough choice) Post by: Lopson on 2005-12-13, 13:03 So there I was scrolling down the web when I am suddenly stopped by this same poll : Wich one do you prefer? Pizza or Lasagna? This was one of the toughest choices in my entire life! I love them both, but do I have a favourite? Should I have a favourite?
I chose Pizza! IT'S SO GOOD!!!! OMGPIZZABBQ! (http://www.superbrandsindia.com/superbrands2003/pizza-hut/pizza-hut-pizza.jpg) (http://www.valpo.edu/cjsp/photogallery/04summerchina/pizza%20hut.JPG) I WUVE PIZZA! Title: Re: Pizza or Lasagna Post by: Tabun on 2005-12-13, 16:12 Ofcourse, both Pizza and Lasagna (especially in the de-Italianized versions spread throughout Europe and America) get their arses royally kicked by al dente spaghetti au zalmone. (Or KoL's painful penne pasta, ofcourse ;))
Title: Re: Pizza or Lasagna Post by: l4mby on 2005-12-13, 16:46 Chicken alfredo penne sounds soooooooooo good right now. D'oh.
I prefer lasagna. Yummy. :D Title: Re: Pizza or Lasagna Post by: Woodsman on 2005-12-13, 19:43 Quote from: Tabun Ofcourse, both Pizza and Lasagna (especially in the de-Italianized versions spread throughout Europe and America) get their arses royally kicked by al dente spaghetti au zalmone. (Or KoL's painful penne pasta, ofcourse ;)) I dont know about the rest of europe but German Pizza is just about the foulest crap ive ever seen. Really i dont see any need for pizza to be "authenticly italian" when pizza wasnt even invented in italy. According to the history channel show i watched about the history of pizza (yes there was such a thing im not making it up) Pizza was most likely invented in ancient greece of course it was very diffrent from the pizza we know today ( dough heated on the hot stones infront of a fire place covered with vegtables and sprinkled with a little wine and olive oil) and wasnt called pizza. Italy later contributed tomato sauce but the pizza we know today ( pepperoni sausage cheese blah blah blah) didnt come untill the late 19th and early 20th century when italian american imigrants discoverd meats were more availiable and less expensive than they had been in the old country. Or so the food historians would have me believe.I actually like a nice fettucini alfredo. Title: Re: Pizza or Lasagna Post by: shambler on 2005-12-14, 10:19 Baked beans on toast for me.
Title: Re: Pizza or Lasagna Post by: Woodsman on 2005-12-15, 17:38 Did i kill the topic with my long winded post on the history of pizza? i thought that was interesting.
Title: Re: Pizza or Lasagna Post by: Tabun on 2005-12-15, 18:09 I thought it was, maybe the pizza-lovers were offended ;]
Title: Re: Pizza or Lasagna Post by: toz on 2005-12-15, 19:19 kebab!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Pizza or Lasagna Post by: Phoenix on 2005-12-15, 22:00 I deliver pizzas (http://www.monpa.com/ba/images/splat.gif), especially to motorists. I have many satisfied cuss-tomers. ^_^
http://www.monpa.com/ba/index.html (http://www.monpa.com/ba/index.html) Title: Re: Pizza or Lasagna Post by: Kain-Xavier on 2005-12-18, 14:11 I can't stomach too much ricotta cheese, so I'm going to have to go with pizza.
Title: Re: Pizza or Lasagna Post by: Moshman on 2005-12-18, 23:18 Yeah, I'm sure you do Pho. I'm sure you do. O_o
Title: Re: Pizza or Lasagna Post by: LSF.XerXes on 2005-12-18, 23:30 i go lasagna, if i am out of pizza =)
Title: Re: Pizza or Lasagna Post by: ReBoOt on 2005-12-23, 19:44 I won't even bother to use this poll since i love em both as much ;)