Title: A Little Puzzle For You (Science types might enjoy this) Post by: Phoenix on 2006-02-13, 05:53 Phoenix likes puzzles. I won't say whether I know the answer or not, I'm curious as to how people will approach this one. :)
A light wave is traveling directly toward a supermassive black hole. Once the light wave enters the black hole's gravity well, what happens to its velocity? Here's a hint, spoiler tagged: Spoiler (click to show/hide) Title: Re: A Little Puzzle For You Post by: Lopson on 2006-02-13, 09:57 I might learn how to apply Einstein's formula this year, or the next year. One thing is for sure: I haven't learned that yet. Post it again in 2 years. :D
Title: Re: A Little Puzzle For You Post by: Angst on 2006-02-13, 10:33 It's my understanding that as light approaches warped space, it follows said contour. As a black hole represents a distortion of space, the light will continue at a velocity *cough* relative to the warped space.
Title: Re: A Little Puzzle For You Post by: BiGRoB85 on 2006-02-13, 18:05 Title: Re: A Little Puzzle For You Post by: shambler on 2006-02-14, 23:10 Light travels at different speeds depending on the medium it travels though. I believe it would tavel faster than what we consider to be 'the speed of light' If it didn't travel at different speeds, glasses would not work, and so we wouldn't even be able to see this forum, let alone a black hole.
:huh: |