Wirehead Studios

General Discussion => Off-Topic => Topic started by: Phoenix on 2006-03-10, 04:16

Title: Hottest thing around (Literally)
Post by: Phoenix on 2006-03-10, 04:16
Scientists have produced superheated gas exceeding temperatures of 2 billion degrees Kelvin, or 3.6 billion degrees Fahrenheit.  This is hotter than the interior of our Sun, which is about 15 million degrees Kelvin, and also hotter than any previous temperature ever achieved on Earth, they say.  They don't know how they did it.
http://news.yahoo.com/s/space/20060308/sc_...HNlYwMlJVRPUCUl (http://news.yahoo.com/s/space/20060308/sc_space/recordsetforhottesttemperatureonearth36billiondegreesinlab;_ylt=AghkAzwd6FX3G90yP4UzlvYDW7oF;_ylu=X3oDMTBiMW04NW9mBHNlYwMlJVRPUCUl)

Congratulations!  It looks like you're on the way to discovering some very neat things. ;)

Title: Re: Hottest thing around
Post by: Visimar on 2006-03-10, 05:24
Oh snap, that's HUGE! X_X

I wonder what would happen if someone is hit with that high of a temperature... *Gets evil ideas* :evil:

Title: Re: Hottest thing around
Post by: Lopson on 2006-03-10, 10:06
Well that will definetely substitute all of our heaters. 2 billion Kelvin... DAMN!

Title: Re: Hottest thing around
Post by: Tabun on 2006-03-10, 21:27
Quote from: IceDragonVisy
Oh snap, that's HUGE! X_X

I wonder what would happen if someone is hit with that high of a temperature... *Gets evil ideas* :evil:
Trust me, getting hit with 15 million or 2 billion degrees worth of heat isn't going to make much difference to the average person. Maybe we should try it, just in case ;]

Title: Re: Hottest thing around
Post by: Phoenix on 2006-03-11, 01:09
What's this?  The Dragon of Ice getting curious about the power of heat and promoting its use?  There's hope for you yet.  ;)