Wirehead Studios

General Discussion => Off-Topic => Topic started by: Footman on 2003-07-17, 22:12

Title: The off-topic thread returns! (Muwahahahahaha!!!!)
Post by: Footman on 2003-07-17, 22:12
Yay! :D

Squares are round.

Title: Re: The off-topic thread returns!
Post by: dev/null on 2003-07-17, 22:15
Uh... I fractured my right collar bone last Friday... Yeah, that's off topic I guess  :rolleyes:

Title: Re: The off-topic thread returns!
Post by: Footman on 2003-07-17, 22:18
That's not the only thing broken, Dicion has a bad habbit of breaking the euro server and the forums. And he probably uses telekinesis to bring the east server down too. :P

Title: Re: The off-topic thread returns!
Post by: Dicion on 2003-07-17, 22:30
Quote from: Footman
That's not the only thing broken, Dicion has a bad habbit of breaking the euro server and the forums. And he probably uses telekinesis to bring the east server down too. :P
uhm... no!

Title: Re: The off-topic thread returns!
Post by: ConfusedUs on 2003-07-18, 04:17
I just rebooted the east server. ;)

Title: Re: The off-topic thread returns!
Post by: Phoenix on 2003-07-18, 07:50
Woe to thee who nameth thy cat Puddles!

Title: Re: The off-topic thread returns!
Post by: Footman on 2003-07-18, 17:17
I wanted to name my cat Puddles, because the brown spots of fur on her looked like the puddles I see on streets when it rains, but we named her Patches. :)

Title: Re: The off-topic thread returns!
Post by: Assamite on 2003-07-20, 03:20
?????ی! ?????ی! ?????ی! ?????ی!

The above may not look proper. Apparently, this board hates Unicode. Damn you!

Title: Re: The off-topic thread returns!
Post by: dev/null on 2003-07-20, 04:42
Geeze, I tell you people that I fractured my collar bone and what do I get in return? Nothing, not one sympathetic post...  :angry:

I'm starting to think I'm unwanted, that perhaps the gimmick of annoying spammers has passed...

/me continues to ramble on about meaningless things, for he has nothing better to do and this is the Off Topic Thread...

Title: Re: The off-topic thread returns!
Post by: Phoenix on 2003-07-20, 07:23
If life is but a dream, would somebody please wake me up?

Title: Re: The off-topic thread returns!
Post by: games keeper on 2003-07-20, 09:24
  If life is but a dream, would somebody please wake me up?
Told ya to take the blue pil and not the red one .

Geeze, I tell you people that I fractured my collar bone and what do I get in return? Nothing, not one sympathetic post...
Ooohhhhhh can you still play now .

Title: Re: The off-topic thread returns!
Post by: dev/null on 2003-07-20, 11:03
Quote from: games keeper
Ooohhhhhh can you still play now .
No, I haven't  even turned my desktop on... I've been using my laptop because I can prop my arm up with pillows and use it  ;)

Title: Re: The off-topic thread returns!
Post by: Footman on 2003-07-22, 06:19
Has Hell frozen over yet?

Title: Re: The off-topic thread returns!
Post by: dev/null on 2003-07-26, 06:42
The most annoying website on the internet! (http://www.mostannoyingwebpage.com/v1/index2.html)

Title: Re: The off-topic thread returns!
Post by: games keeper on 2003-07-26, 13:15
I had that 1 years ago , but thn with a "free sexsite "so that it got more hits .

Title: Re: The off-topic thread returns!
Post by: Atom235 on 2003-07-27, 19:45
Het Vlaamse heir staat immer pal
Daar ?t winnen of daar ?t sterven zal
Alhier, aldaar aan lange lansen
De leeuwen dansen, de leeuwen dansen

gawd I love these off-topic threads.


Title: Re: The off-topic thread returns!
Post by: Phoenix on 2003-07-27, 19:51
Yo ho!  Yo ho!  It's a parrot's life for me!  *squawk!*

Title: Re: The off-topic thread returns!
Post by: Demonwench on 2003-07-28, 07:11
Yay, Pirates!  Shiver me timbers and all that rot!  Orlando Bloom's mine!  Not that I think you lot will mind horribly...mwahahah!

Title: Re: The off-topic thread returns!
Post by: dev/null on 2003-07-29, 11:21
Nihilist Bear
Nihilist Bear

Which Dysfunctional Care Bear Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla


Title: Re: The off-topic thread returns!
Post by: Demonwench on 2003-07-29, 18:19
Raver Bear
Raver Bear

Which Dysfunctional Care Bear Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Hhhmmmm...I don't think I'm THAT happy go lucky...shiney things?  Ecstacy?  Me??  Oh please.

Title: Re: The off-topic thread returns!
Post by: Lilazzkicker on 2003-07-29, 19:07
Gay Bear
Gay Bear

Which Dysfunctional Care Bear Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Hrm, this didnt exactly go the way i expected it to go. :/

Title: Re: The off-topic thread returns!
Post by: Atom235 on 2003-07-29, 20:03
Jag lyssnade Svensk folk music I arbetet. Jag vet att jag har en perversa musik smak, eller hur?

Title: Re: The off-topic thread returns!
Post by: Phoenix on 2003-07-30, 00:50
Um....  I don't like that quiz.  It keeps wanting to make me "Aryan Bear"... :blink:

Title: Re: The off-topic thread returns!
Post by: ReBoOt on 2003-07-30, 01:38
Rofl Atom235! :D

Title: Re: The off-topic thread returns!
Post by: Phoenix on 2003-07-30, 09:06
Since I can't find an online Swedish to English translator, from my limited understanding of general linguistics it looks like Atom is saying something about listening to Swedish folk music at work, finding something about it perverse, and asking if we find it that way too.  Am I close?

Title: Re: The off-topic thread returns!
Post by: Atom235 on 2003-07-30, 17:29
Pho, that's 100 % right.

Title: Re: The off-topic thread returns!
Post by: ReBoOt on 2003-07-30, 21:11
Jupp that's quite close tho atoms swedish wasnt 100% correct ;)

Title: Re: The off-topic thread returns!
Post by: dev/null on 2003-08-03, 07:31
Even more annoying than the Most Annoying Webpage Ever! (http://www.peekshows.com/idiot.html)  :thud:

Title: Re: The off-topic thread returns!
Post by: Demonwench on 2003-08-03, 17:26
You're right...that was really annoying...  Thanks a bunch, you idiot.  Snigger.

Title: Re: The off-topic thread returns!
Post by: Demonwench on 2003-08-11, 00:34
For the Japanese fans out there...here's a quiz for ye!

Whoooo weee!!! Youre a loud, boisterous burly
ogre!. You are one of the guardians to the
gates of Buddhist hell dimensions. You like to
smash and bash and eat and make loud noises
(which don't necessarily come from your mouth).
You love the taste of flesh and battle. But
deep down, you're soft hearted and wonder why
people just don't understand that it's your
nature. Perhaps abstaining from fights with the
local wild beasts will let the humans see that
you can be a good ogre that smells like
flowers... NOT!

What Japanese Creature are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Title: Re: The off-topic thread returns!
Post by: dev/null on 2003-08-11, 03:58
You're a Dragon Babeh!!!
You are a Dragon! Oh, but not the big fat European
version... Oh no no no you're a creature of
style and taste. You love the exotic foods of
other places and have a special place on your
pallete for arsenic, and bird's nest soup. You
are the symbol of royalty, good luck, and
enlightenment. Hey, if you're good enough, you
could even become a deity!

What Japanese Creature are you?
brought to you by Quizilla


Title: Re: The off-topic thread returns!
Post by: Footman on 2003-08-11, 22:20
You are......


an ascii drawing of LeeMon!!

Title: Re: The off-topic thread returns!
Post by: Demonwench on 2003-08-13, 02:35
Your Name: Jennifer Tzen Knope
Your Date of Birth: 04/21/1978
Your Question or Information:


Jera - Harvesting tangible results from efforts already sown, fertility, culmination of events, abundance.


Algiz - Protection, fortunate influences, fate on your side, victory and success, good luck and personal strength.


Mannaz - Cooperation, teamwork, collaboration, help and aid from others, beginning new projects, especially with others.

Cast the runes here:
Rune Caster

Title: Re: The off-topic thread returns!
Post by: dev/null on 2003-08-13, 04:17


(http://www.brindy.org.uk/runecaster/images/kenaz.gif)Kenaz - The hearth fire, artistic pursuits, healing, love and passion, creativity, strength.


(http://www.brindy.org.uk/runecaster/images/neid.gif)Neid - Need, desire, fulfilling those needs, love and sex magick, motivation created by distress.


(http://www.brindy.org.uk/runecaster/images/raido.gif)Raido - Safe travel, movement, obtaining justice in an issue, used to keep a situation from stagnating.

Cast the runes here:
Rune Caster (http://www.brindy.org.uk/runecaster/)

 :hail:  Wow, that?s frighteningly accurate... I was kind of hoping the Runes would be able to tell me why my 5.1 isn't working though, hehe

/me walks away talking to himself in hushed tones, complaining about his Creative speakers

Title: Re: The off-topic thread returns!
Post by: Phoenix on 2003-08-13, 07:53
Whoooo weee!!! Youre a loud, boisterous burly
ogre!. You are one of the guardians to the
gates of Buddhist hell dimensions. You like to
smash and bash and eat and make loud noises
(which don't necessarily come from your mouth).
You love the taste of flesh and battle. But
deep down, you're soft hearted and wonder why
people just don't understand that it's your
nature. Perhaps abstaining from fights with the
local wild beasts will let the humans see that
you can be a good ogre that smells like
flowers... NOT!

What Japanese Creature are you?
brought to you by Quizilla


Ing - Fertility, successful conclusion to issue or situation, ending one cycle and beginning another.


Berkana - Growth, abundance, fertility, Mother Earth, protection, the zenith of an idea or situation.


Thurisaz - Beginning new projects, luck-the hand of fate helping you, protection, the hammer of Thor, opening gateways.

Cast the runes here:
Rune Caster

This is quite interesting... Some friends of old read runes on me before, it was quite a similar result.  Though I look upon any forms of diviniation - fanciful or serious - with a healthy bit of reservation, it is fascinating how this parallels my path in this world, and what I seek for the next.  Fascinating indeed...

Title: Re: The off-topic thread returns!
Post by: Demonwench on 2003-08-13, 21:22
This is a personality test...not too shabby really.  I have too many aspects in my personality but this is close.  '-)

free enneagram test

Title: Re: The off-topic thread returns!
Post by: Tekhead on 2003-08-14, 01:11
free enneagram test

Hmm... a 3-way tie for this: "THE INDIVIDUALIST" (Type 4) and "THE PEACEMAKER" (Type 9) gave me the same scores as "THE REFORMER". (5 Points each)

Title: Re: The off-topic thread returns!
Post by: Phoenix on 2003-08-14, 01:17
free enneagram test

Fascinating.  The extended description does entail some parts of my psyche fairly well, at my best and (sometimes) at my worst.  I wouldn't characterize myself quite so flatly, however, nor did the test.  Strangely, I came very close to being a number 9 (The Peacemaker), which is not me at all, and very close to a number 5 (The Investigator), of which I do share several similarities.  Even after I re-read the instructions and didn't answer a few questions that seemed too much 50/50 a choice the pattern of my results were nearly identical, except the 9 column was much more diminished.  7-6-4 points in that order.  First time was 7-6-6.

Title: Re: The off-topic thread returns!
Post by: Phoenix on 2003-08-15, 02:11
Look!  I have "fans"!!  :D

http://www.1coolpc.com/pho1.htm (http://www.1coolpc.com/pho1.htm)

Title: Re: The off-topic thread returns!
Post by: Phoenix on 2003-08-17, 04:47
You come from Heaven.  You're the purest of pure, a
saint.  You're probably an angel sent directly
from Heaven.

Where Did Your Soul Originate?
brought to you by Quizilla

Title: Re: The off-topic thread returns!
Post by: Phoenix on 2003-08-17, 04:55
Threat rating: zero. Excellent work - you
demonstrate all the qualities of patriotism
that will make America even greater under Bush.
USA no.1!!!

What threat to the Bush administration are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Hey, they said it not me! :omfg:

Title: Re: The off-topic thread returns!
Post by: Phoenix on 2003-08-17, 05:06
You are a golden eagle. A staunch ally and fun to
be with when you're in a good mood. However,
nobody'd ever think twice about crossing you.

What bird are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Awwww, no "Phoenix" result?  Pity.  If I had to be any other kind of bird I can't think of one nobler however. :)

Title: Re: The off-topic thread returns!
Post by: Phoenix on 2003-08-17, 05:11
Arabic Phoenix

An Arabic Phoenix is the traditional phoenix. It
spends its life hidden in the deserts of the
Middle East, far away from any other living
creature. At the end of its life, about 500
years, it gathers the sweetest smelling herbs
and spices together and creates a nest on top
of a palm tree. There it sings a glorious 5-
note melody to Ra, the sun god, begging for new
life, and in response he sets the nest alight.
The phoenix burns to death and, three days
later, a fresh young phoenix emerges. Its first
task is to gather the ashes of its parent bird
and carry them to the temple at Heliopolis.
Once done, it flies away to spend the next 500
years of its life alone in the desert.

You're a unique individual- one of a kind. Your
talents are highly praised, but you're so shy
and untrusting of everyone you shy away from
any form of attention, preferring to be alone.
You yearn for companionship, but you know you
will never find anyone like you. Thusly you are
trapped in your endless cycle of death and
rebirth, for those who are immortal can never
have feelings for those who are mortal, and
until you find that fabled second phoenix, all
you can do is wait and despair. But you'll find
them...some day.

What Mythical Bird are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Got a few minor facts wrong, but that's more like it. :)

Title: Re: The off-topic thread returns!
Post by: dev/null on 2003-08-17, 07:08
Threat rating: Low. You are annoying, but too much
of a softy  tree hugger to pose any threat to
the mighty machine of Republican progress. And
the FBI know where you live.

What threat to the Bush administration are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Heh... A low threat? For the moment perhaps  :P

You are a golden eagle. A staunch ally and fun to
be with when you're in a good mood. However,
nobody'd ever think twice about crossing you.

What bird are you?
brought to you by Quizilla


What Mythical Bird are you?
brought to you by Quizilla


Title: Re: The off-topic thread returns!
Post by: Angst on 2003-08-17, 07:23

What Mythical Bird are you?

You come from Heaven.  You're the purest of pure, a
saint.  You're probably an angel sent directly
from Heaven.

Where Did Your Soul Originate?

You're a Dragon Babeh!!!
You are a Dragon! Oh, but not the big fat European
version... Oh no no no you're a creature of
style and taste. You love the exotic foods of
other places and have a special place on your
pallete for arsenic, and bird's nest soup. You
are the symbol of royalty, good luck, and
enlightenment. Hey, if you're good enough, you
could even become a deity!

What Japanese Creature are you?

Title: Re: The off-topic thread returns!
Post by: Angst on 2003-08-17, 07:32
Enneagramfree enneagram test

tied between that or #2, and I prefer this one :P

interesting test nonetheless..

Title: Re: The off-topic thread returns!
Post by: WickedGuy321 on 2003-08-20, 22:36
Hi. i'm new to this board and i would like to say one thing for dev/null.

Sorry that ya fractured ur collar bone, that must of really hurt  :(  sorry dude. hope it gets better  :thumb:

Title: Re: The off-topic thread returns!
Post by: dev/null on 2003-08-21, 00:22
Aw, thanks WickedGuy, it's pretty much healed now though  :)

Title: Re: The off-topic thread returns!
Post by: dev/null on 2003-08-24, 22:39
As a child, I had an imaginary friend? But he wasn?t human, he was an aquatic white tiger with telepathic powers.

Okay, stick with my here people. Imagine your average white tiger, but replace it's tail with a mermaid-like one and add webbed paws. This gives you the basic physical outline of the creature. Then you must take into consideration the psychic prowess, allowing it to communicate with humans and such ;)

Title: Re: The off-topic thread returns!
Post by: games keeper on 2003-08-25, 10:19
what the hell where you thinking on ?? :huh:

Title: Re: The off-topic thread returns!
Post by: Lilazzkicker on 2003-08-25, 15:08
dev/null should be fined for making such a comment with a high bewilderment level!

Title: Re: The off-topic thread returns!
Post by: Tekhead on 2003-08-25, 19:36
Threat rating: extremely low. You may think you can
subvert the government, but if you should try
you will be smited mightily because God likes
us best.

What threat to the Bush administration are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Not quite right, but cute o_O

Title: Re: The off-topic thread returns!
Post by: Demonwench on 2003-08-26, 02:56
You are a Glasswalker.  You are techno-savvy and a
born city dweller.  You are very social and
classy, and probably not doing too bad

Which of the twelve werewolf tribes would you be in?
brought to you by Quizilla

Title: Re: The off-topic thread returns!
Post by: Tekhead on 2003-08-26, 03:39
Silver Fang
You are a Silver Fang.  You're probably nuts, and
if not, people think you are.  You are very
proud of your family and can be a bit pushy.
You are a natural born leader.

Which of the twelve werewolf tribes would you be in?
brought to you by Quizilla


Title: Re: The off-topic thread returns!
Post by: dev/null on 2003-08-26, 07:19
:unsure: Wendigo
You are a Wendigo.  You are extremely religous
(whatever religion it may be) and really in
touch with nature.  You also have a tendency to
fly off handle at...EVERYTHING.  You like cold

Which of the twelve werewolf tribes would you be in?
brought to you by Quizilla

Though that does sound vaguely correct, I always used to play as Glass Walkers and Shadow Lords  :unsure:

Title: Re: The off-topic thread returns!
Post by: Lilazzkicker on 2003-08-26, 18:47
You are an Uktena.  You are strange, mysterious,
and secretive.  You fantasize about the occult,
and know a lot about it.  People might consider
you "gothy".  You are a lot smarter
than you look.

Which of the twelve werewolf tribes would you be in? (http://quizilla.com/users/spinalburn/quizzes/Which%20of%20the%20twelve%20werewolf%20tribes%20would%20you%20be%20in%3F/)
brought to you by Quizilla

haha, so true....somewhat

Title: Re: The off-topic thread returns!
Post by: Lilazzkicker on 2003-08-26, 19:14
morally deficient
Threat rating: Medium. Your total lack of decent
family values makes you dangerous, but we can
count on some right wing nutter blowing you up
if you become too high profile.

What threat to the Bush administration are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Ah...this is wrong

Title: Re: The off-topic thread returns!
Post by: Phoenix on 2003-08-27, 05:59
You are a Wendigo.  You are extremely religous
(whatever religion it may be) and really in
touch with nature.  You also have a tendency to
fly off handle at...EVERYTHING.  You like cold

Which of the twelve werewolf tribes would you be in?
brought to you by Quizilla

Not too bad, although I do NOT like cold weather.  The only thing good about cold weather ( and that's saying a lot, coming from me, that there IS anything good about it ) is the stars shine more brightly, and there are NO DAMNED MOSQUITOS!!!

Title: Re: The off-topic thread returns!
Post by: Demonwench on 2003-08-28, 06:16
http://starterupsteve.servepics.com:60000/.../kozoFlash.html (http://starterupsteve.servepics.com:60000/swf/kozoFlash.html)

Cute funny video.  Warning, some people may not like what they see...

Title: Re: The off-topic thread returns!
Post by: games keeper on 2003-08-28, 08:35
lol a friend of mine just resieved that movie a week ago in his mailbox