Title: Steven Colbert vs Congresswoman Post by: Lopson on 2006-07-30, 19:42 Kick-ass time, with Steven Colbert:
Badass Steven Colbert kicks a congress Woman's ass verbally (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XPXWsAxm9nM) Title: Re: Steven Colbert vs Congresswoman Post by: Tabun on 2006-07-30, 20:02 Isn't that something for the CC?
Title: Re: Steven Colbert vs Congresswoman Post by: Lopson on 2006-07-30, 22:58 It's the Colbert Report, and yes, it airs in Comedy Central. This guy won the White House correspondant Award this year.
Title: Re: Steven Colbert vs Congresswoman Post by: Tabun on 2006-07-30, 23:07 I know perfectly well who Colbert is, and I watch the Daily Show frequently. What I meant was: isn't that kind of material something for our Controversy Corner? (obviously) ;]
Title: Re: Steven Colbert vs Congresswoman Post by: Phoenix on 2006-07-30, 23:15 Thread split from Off Topic Topic.
Title: Re: Steven Colbert vs Congresswoman Post by: Assamite on 2006-07-31, 05:37 There's my non-voting sometime Representative there. I want to say that she was in on the joke, because she seemed so "enthusiastic", but given some of her past statements, I'm not so sure. As always, DC needs a vote, and Colbert is a genius. :thumb:
Title: Re: Steven Colbert vs Congresswoman Post by: Lopson on 2006-07-31, 09:22 Also something you will find interesting, although it has nothing to do with the previous movie:
Interview with Kevin Phillips (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2S0ocqmeV8&mode=related&search=) |